Chapter 3: The Massacre Arrangement

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In thought/ Timeskip/ Pov change

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Last name = L/N

Hair color = H/C

Eye color = E/C


(Author note or AN)


Speaking: "

No one's pov

An entire week has passed since the royal family of the hybrids have returned from their visit to the devil's domain.

All seemed calm in the home of the hybrids, but three figures who stood atop of a building that had a view of the entire city looked on in wonder.

???2: "It truly is a shame, this place is very beautiful!"

The female figure said as she looked on innocently, but with a murderous intent.

???3: "Indeed it is, makes me wanna just kill everyone and claim a piece of the land here for myself!"

He had a sadistic grin and he began to scratch the palm of his left hand aggressively, to the point were it began to bleed again.

???: "Enough daydreaming, we have a job to do! Scyther, you really need to stop doing that!"

Scyther: "Sorry boss *pants* it just feels *pants* really good!"

He begins to roll his eyes back as he digs his nails further into his hand.

???: "We really should force him to wear mittens, don't you think Lucille?"

Lucille: *nods* "Already tried that, he just scratched right through the fabric."

???: "Have we discovered where their prisoner is being held?"

Scyther stopped scratching his hand.

Scyther: "Yes, ironically it's held captive underneath the statue of their god!"

He points out to a giant, almost skyscraper-like statue of a golden Hydra.

Lucille: "That's a little bit disrespectful if you ask me!"

???: "What about our packages? Are they all in position?"

Lucille: "All except one, I just have to get it to their castle!"

???: "You do that, meanwhile when you're in position we'll open our gifts for them. Scyther, you seal off anytype of magical transportation spells they'll try to use and if any of them get to the main gate-

Scyther: "Kill them all!" He grins as their leader smiles.

???: "I'll go unleash their prisoner that their gid decided to keep alive."

Lucille: "What about their queen? Those Phenex twins want her alive!"

???: "I don't care, it doesn't concern me if she's alive or dead! I don't intend to indulge that boy and his pervasive nature either way! Now let's begin this before the Devil's come here!"

They all nodded and went to carry put their mission.


He had finished planting magical traps all around the area where the main gate was, after he disposed of the guards along the wall.

At the moment he looked at the guards he had killed. He giggled as he was looking at each of the hands he ripped off.

Scyther: "Your hand is so smooth, like baby skin! You couldn't of worked all that hard as you were growing up!"

The Heir Of The G.O.D Faction (Highschool Dxd x Human Ghidorah Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now