Chapter 17

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Author's pov

There was an uneasy silence after Laura left, then Robert spoke,"how do you know her?", He asked looking at kai, "yeah, what is your relation with her?", Max added, kai just stood there saying nothing, "say something kai. We all saw what just happened, how are you related to Sakura? why did that girl blame you?",Tyson asked stepping in front of the dual haired boy,"kai, I don't know what's happening between you guys but if you tell us everything we can help you ",ray said putting a hand on Kai's shoulder,"She's my sister", kai blunted out, everyone's eyes widened at his words, "master, it's getting cold, we should keep going now", Gustav said from the other side, "let's talk in the bus", Robert said walking past kai. When they were all settled Gustav starts driving, there was an uneasy silence, no one spoke a word for a few minutes as they were all shocked from today's incident, "so she's you sister", Robert spoke looking at kai who was looking out of the window, everyone's eyes were on kai as he have a lot of explanation to do,"yes", kai replied still looking out of the window, "and what does that girl mean by it's your fault?", Robert asked, "it's a long story", kai blunted out, "we don't care if it's long just tell us", Tyson said nearly yelling, kai sigh and turned his graze to the others, " it all started when I was first sent to balkov abbey, my grandfather wants to use me to accomplish his mission and that's why he wanted me to be the best blader. After I returned I started spending my time with Sakura and then grandfather started tell me things that how she hate me and want to kill me, I don't know if they are lies or truth but at that time I believed him and started to ignore her. On our birthday something happened that changed my mind and after that one day she disappeared, grandfather called me gave me a letter she wrote telling how she killed our mother and made father leave us, I felt broke, he even gave me some recordings of him talking to Sakura and she admitted everything she did and even said she's planning to destroy us. After I came to Europe I started to rethink everything and now I'm confused who's side I should take. That girl there thinks all this happened because Sakura was trying to get me back or something", kai said max stood up slamming his hands on the table, " you still need to think? Can't you see, Sakura can never do anything that will hurt others? ", He yelled, " calm down max", ray said, "how do you know her?", Kenny asked, "she's a regular costumer at my dad's shop and she taught me all the blading techniques I know till now, she's an amazing person and always treated me like brother", max said with teary eyes, "she surely is a good blader, when I lost drigger and went to the hill, she was there and she was the one who opened my eyes that I'm still the same person who did great things to deserve drigger", ray said, "wait you know her too?", Tyson asked, "more like met her just once", ray said, "wait Robert, how do you know her?", Tyson asked, "I found her in the forest near my castle badly injured, she stayed in the castle for a week or so. She left a few days ago because she said she had a mission to complete, she told me something about her grandfather's evil plan and that she need to save her brother", Robert said, "yeah, and Robert took care of her when she was at his castle", Oliver said grinning at Robert,"so we all know her somehow, what a coincidence", Kenny said, "wait that means you know her too", max said and Kenny nodded, " yeah, me and Tyson met her when Tyson challenged carlos", Kenny said.

Kai's Pov

I don't know why I told them all that. I'm already enough confused by what's happening, what does Laura mean by all that and why boris said now they don't need to keep her away from me, was it all just a plan? Were all the thing grandfather showed me that day fake?, Did I hated her for no reason?, Did grandfather and boris planned it all to create misunderstanding between me and Sakura or Sakura herself planned all this?, I need to clear all confusions. But, right now I'm worried about her, I can't get the badly injured image of sakura out of my head, even if she did all those things which grandpa told she don't deserve all this.


Author's pov

Rex rushed inside the hospital, " please someone help us", he yelled carring Sakura bridal style (a/n : am the only one who find this word always out of place), a nurse came running with a stretcher, rex layed Sakura on it and the hospital staff took her to the emergency room, " sir you'll have to say here", the nurse said as they entered the ER. Rex go to the reception, " can I make a call?", He asked the receptionist, "sure sir", she said. Rex called Laura and told her the name of the hospital. After about 15 min Laura came," how's she?", She asked Rex who was sitting on the chair looking at his feets, " she's still inside the ER", he said, Laura look at the door then at Rex then back at the door then she sat next to him, " don't worry, we all know she'll be okay, afterall she's stronger than all of us", she said placing a hand on his shoulder, "but why her? Why she have to go through all this?", He said sobbing, " I don't know too but all I know is she will not be satisfied till she don't stop her grandfather's evil plan", Laira said also sobbing. After about twenty minutes the doctor came out, Laura and Rex rushed to him, " how's she doctor?", Doctor sigh......

Cliffhanger 😁😁

To be continued...


Heyo lovelies, how are you guys doing?, How was the chapter? What do you think happened to Sakura? See you in the next chapter,till than take care and be safe and healthy 💜💜

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