Chapter 10

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Sakura's pov

I look around and saw a figure standing in a dark narrow path between two buildings , " Shocked to see me here " , he said . I was too shocked to say anything , without thinking I started taking small steps towards him, "T-Ta-Tala", I managed to say , by now I'm standing in front to him , "what are you doing here?", I asked him , he stood saying nothing but I noticed something in his eyes , it was guilt , " answer m-" , before I could complete my sentence someone else spoke , "he's not alone cherry blossom " , I looked back and saw Rex and Sara came from the other side . My expression changed from confused to happy one when I saw my two best friends , " hey rexi hey Sara" , I said happily but they show no emotion , I turned back to face Tala but before I could say anything he pulled me into a hug , I was confused and shocked from this sudden action , "I'm sorry Sakura , I haveto do this", he said and everything went black .

Tala's pov

I did it . I injected her . But I had to do it , atleast she'd be safe .


I was called by mr.boris in his office . I knocked 3 times and he asked me come in , I stood there facing him . I know what he called me here for but deep inside I hope I was wrong , "tala , my child , I hope you know why I called you here " , he said calmly , " the girl we captured escaped a few days ago and I got to know someone helped her escape " , he said looking in my eyes , " who was it sir " , I tried to sound normal , " you and I both know who helped her and I can punish him really bad for doing such a mistake " , he said now standing in front of me , " tell me tala , why you helped her escape " , he said in a demand voice but I kept quite , " is it because of your little friendship with kai ?", he asked and I didn't answer , " you know very well that friend and family are nothing for us , do you remember it or not", he said nearly yelling at me but I still didn't say anything , he sighed and said, " my men will find her soon and the moment they find her she'll be dead , but you can save her ", he sat back on his chair , "how" , I blunted out and he smirked in return , "I knew you won't deny the offer . All you have to do is get her here within 2 days and I promise you she'll not die " , he said and I stood there thinking what to do , " don't worry Tala , I'll keep my promise and if you will get her here I'll forgive you for what you did on the past " , he said , I sighed and said , "I'll do it but you have to keep your promise " , he smirked and nodded . I turned around to leave but he stopped me , "wait young man , I have some people to help you finish the task " , he said and a boy and a girl around my age came in the office , " meet Rex and Sara , Sakura's best friends " , Boris said , I looked at the two shocked but they were standing there like robots , then boris handed me a small glass container , " you just have to inject her with this and she'll faint then just bring her here and if you try to do anything stupid they both will kill you and the little girl at the place " , Boris said , I looked at the container then at boris and then at the boy and girl .

End of flashback

I'm standing here with unconscious Sakura in my hands and tears in my eyes . " Let's go " , the boy named Rex said , I nodded and picked up Sakura bridal style . We walked till the end of alley where a black car was waiting for us , we entered the van and the driver started driving . Rex and Sara tied Sakura with ropes incase she wakes up . During the whole ride I was looking at Sakura who was sitting next me all tied up , I was analysing her beautiful features which resembles her brother's . " I'm sorry Sakura , I promise I'll help you in every way possible " , I murmured .

After about 1 hour of driving we reached the private runway where the plane was waiting for us . We got out of the van and I picked up Sakura again , we entered in the plane and went to Boris , "Well done Tala , I'm proud of you " , he said as he saw me carring an unconscious Sakura in my hands , " now take her to the room at the back and tie her with the chains attached there , got it ", he said in a demanding tone , " yes sir " , I said and started walking towards the room he said , Rex and Sara following behind . The room was very small in size , I gently placed her near the chains and locked her hands and legs with shaky hands and pain in my heart . After I was done locking her , I looked at her face for the last time I said , "take care Sakura" , then I went out and Rex locked the room .

I went straight to the sitting area and sat at very back . I felt anger building inside me , I was angry from myself , I felt like crying but I can't cry , all the emotions were mixed up but all I can do is sit here and blame myself .

______________________________________hey lovelies , I know this chapter is shorter and I'm sorry for that .

What do you think Rex and Sara are doing with boris .

Take care and be safe and healthy .

Misunderstood ( A Beyblade Fanfic )Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora