chapter 6

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Sakura's pov

I left for America today after the tournament was over. When I landed there a man came to pick me up, "Miss Hiwatari , I'm here to pick you " , he said bowing , I told Laura to get me a driver and book hotel for me in America ( if you're wondering how sakura have money for all this , she belong to rich family for god's sake) , I nodded and he lead me to a car. I fell asleep on the back seat.

When I woke up I was tied to a pole ( or piller), agh! Great, how the fuck did he manage to get me here?, I thought just then a man walked inside the room , " so you're finally up " ,he said " it seems like so ", I said in a sarcastic tone"how did you get me here? ", I added " well we thought it would be hard to get you here if you were up but you made it easy when you slept, the driver we hired gave you chloroform so you were unconscious and brought you here " , he said. Why the fuck did I slept , I thought , "well you'll be staying here till you're granpa arrives" , he said walking towards what seems like a door, he stopped and said, " and behave yourself or you'll pay for being a trouble " , and then he walked out . " agh , great sakura. Now you're stuck here and the devil is coming here " , I said aloud (if you don't get it still she talks to herself ) .

Time skip brought to you by a lazy author.....

It's night time and the best time to escape , I remembered having a pocket knife in my back pocket , I somehow managed to get it and started cutting the rope. After what felt like eternity the rope was cut , I united my legs and slowly sneaked out of the room . To my luck they didn't have much security and I easily sneaked out of some hallways and I reached...
Another hallway, great. " how big is this place exactly ", I murmured. I was loosing my temper, I took a deep breath and walked slowly. I heard footsteps coming towards me and there not even a single door in this hallway, I'm screwed, I thought and got ready to have a little fight . In just less than a minute I was surrounded by 8 men, yeah literally 8 fucking men. One of them attacked me but I dogged it with ease and hit him in the stomach and same with the other , the fight continued for about 5 min when something hard hit my head and everything turned black.

I woke up in a different room tied with chains attached to the walls . My whole body is sore and covered in blood and bruises, they were not there when I was fighting those men. I think they beat me up . I was think of a way to escape when the same man who came before came in and sat on a chair in front of me, " oh dear look at you " , he said ," thanks for the new makeover " , I said rolling my eyes, " don't roll your eyes at me kid , you got what you deserve. Perhaps voltaire was right I shouldn't think you're a bit innocent , you're a really troublemaker " , he said getting angry , " thanks for the compliment, now let me go I've work to do " , I said with a smirk , " what work? Trying to stop us. " , he said then stood up and laughed. He came closed to me and grabbed my mouth, " you'll never be able to do it and if you dare to ran away one more time I promise I'll make your life a living hell " , he said leaving me , I laughed , " oh, I'm scared . I don't know how it feels having a hell of a life " , I said sarcastically . He kicked my legs and stormed out leaving me alone in the dark room.

Little time skip brought to you by koya (army knows)...

I'm frustrated now , I need to get out of here anyhow . This place sucks , "agh, why the fuck did I slept in the fucking car . " , he said gritting my teeth. Memories of me and my friends flooded in my mind, how we use to race all around the city , how we use to make fun of each other , " Rex, Sara, I miss you soo much " , I said looking at the floor . What will happen if I don't get out of this place? , I thought. Then the determination hit me , " I can't give up, I have to get out of here and stop my grandpa and save my brother " , I said way to loud , " listen up you old man, I'll get out of here and stop you all, that's a promise from Sakura Hiwatari. " , I screamed . " shut up you little brat " , a red head busted in, he looked at me for a while and then went back , he peeked again and asked, " what name did you said just now? ", he asked , "Sakura Hiwatari that's me, got any problem with that " , I said and he slammed the door . Wired , I thought.

Kai's pov ( finally)...

We're in America in the hotel , it's night time but I can't sleep because I can't stop thinking about the only person I hate with everything I have, my sister . While we were in China I had a strong feeling like she was somewhere near me , my heart keep telling me to find her because deep down in my heart I still can't believe my Sakura can be this selfish , but my mind kept reminding me what she did to me and I'll NEVER forgive her for that , NEVER .

hey lovely people, how are you all? Well can you guess who's the red head and the man here?

I'm make a new cover and a little vid on the story, so please leave your suggestions.

See you in the next chapter, till thank take care and be safe and healthy.

I purple you 💜 .

Special thanks to Bestxofxlife Best_buddies_ananya and KittyBlackpearl1 your love anz support ..

follow me on instagram (hana_kim_24) for latest updates about upcoming and ongoing books..

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