Chapter 31

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Rage blinded me

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Rage blinded me.

I could hardly see the road in front of me as red blurred my vision. Ben's voice as he whispered all of his brothers names to his mother echoed in my head. They thought that their mother had died five years ago and, perhaps, they'd even begun to move past it.

This, however, was not something that they would get past.

Instead of providing more answers, discovering Delia just led to more questions. How had she lost her memories? Did she leave her family or was she taken from them? Who was responsible? What had Alice done?

All I knew now was that Ben and I had to tell his entire family that Delia Joy was alive, but gone at the same time. I thought of Noah's wide eyes, he was barely a toddler when his mother disappeared five years ago. He had no memory of her, and now she had no memory of him.


Yelling in the car allowed me to relinquish some of the anger I felt. My skin spiked with adrenaline, having the urge to direct it somewhere that would hurt someone. I wanted somebody to feel the same pain that I felt- that the Joy boys would soon feel. When I turned on my phone, an opportunity to do just that came through the phone.

Harry had sent me multiple text messages and left seven voicemails. Instead of looking or listening to messages and crashing the Joy's car, I called him back.

"Lou," my brother's voice was panicked. "are you okay? Why haven't you answered?"

I sighed, not wanting to hear about how angry my mom was or whatever minute and mundane thing Harry was nervous about. 

"I've been busy," my tone short, "what do you want?"

Harry barely seemed to hear me as he rushed out the next few words. My stomach dropped down to my toes.

"Alice," he breathed, "the hunter you told me about-"

He was cut off by something and I pressed the phone tighter to my ear, practically crushing it against my skull with anticipation of his next words. I was lucky the phone didn't shatter in my hand under the weight of my anger and anxiety.

"Harry! What?"

He was much quieter the next time he spoke, his voice barely above a whisper. "She's here."

At that, he clicked off the call. Frantically, I tried Tucker's phone, but he didn't answer. He was still meeting with the other alphas. Ben was still running off steam through the woods, unable to be reached. Neither Tilly nor Gray answered.

I pushed my foot all the way down on the gas pedal.


When I arrived back at Owein's mansion, I didn't even shut the car door before bursting in the front door. Three pairs of eyes turned to face me from the living room. Two looked slightly surprised, and the third just looked smug.

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