Chapter 30

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"So that's what the alphas are here for," Ben mused aloud, looking over at the group of men that surrounded Tucker

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"So that's what the alphas are here for," Ben mused aloud, looking over at the group of men that surrounded Tucker.

I looked over at my... boyfriend and the way he was captivating each of the men's attention. He was younger than all of them by at least ten years, yet he still seemed very much in charge. Something like pride swelled in my chest.

"He's trying to change things," I whispered, entranced.

Ben rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah. Stop drooling over my brother."

I laughed and looked back at the teasing expression on my best friend's face. Perfectly timed, Jacob walked by our table, shooting Ben a small, coy smile as he walked with two other members of the pack. Ben's eyes widened and he looked down at the cafeteria table.

"Speaking of drool..." I teased as Ben flushed. He looked up at me, his eyes wide and curious. The vulnerability on his face was obvious.

"You knew the whole time how I actually felt about him, didn't you?" He accused, no anger in his voice. I nodded and the breath seemed to leave his body. "Why didn't you say anything?"

I shrugged.

"I figured you would tell me when you were ready or when you figured it out for yourself," I told him, "I didn't have a right to know until you wanted me to, but being a daemon kind of took away that opportunity. I'm sorry for that."

He sighed a little but gave me a wistful smile that told me he forgave me before I'd even said sorry.

"I can't believe you knew before I did."

"I know everything before you, Benny boy."

He grinned and shoved my shoulder from across the table, not buying my intellectual prowess. I shot him a goofy look and stole a chip from in front of him. The other pack members around us created a buzz of noise that surrounded us like a blanket. I could feel the energies of everyone around me mixing and overlapping through lines that ran beneath my feet. The warm glow of Ben's energy continually met the darkness shrouding mine, drifting out then coiling back as my darkness reached out to it.

Ben put his head in his hands and groaned. Concern spiked in my blood that the darkness of my energy had actually affected him physically. He looked back up at me, his hand running down his face.

"I have to tell Tucker," he groaned.

I was surprised. "Oh come on, you know he won't care. He loves you, regardless."

Ben gave me a 'duh' look.

"I know he won't care that I'm interested in a guy," he told me as if it was preposterous that I'd thought otherwise, "he might, however, care that I'm interested in his second-in-command and one of his best friends."

At that, I grinned. "Well, he's dating your best friend so just tell him fair is fair."

He laughed and nodded his head, agreeing with me. I noted that his nerves hadn't been completely assuaged by our lightheartedness. I thought momentarily of a piece of information that I'd learned last night. Maybe I had the best thing to distract him right now.

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