Chapter 36

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The Joy house was quiet and the Joy house was never quiet

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The Joy house was quiet and the Joy house was never quiet.

Ben, Tilly, and I all sat at the kitchen table with nobody quite sure how to begin the conversation. Tilly and I were worried that Ben was slipping again, and there was no way in hell that we were going to let that happen. After seeing his mother, after the attack on their pack, and after being kidnapped by hunters I didn't really blame him if he was.

I felt like I was slipping too.

"So," I began, breaking the silence that was between all of us, "what do we do?"

Ben looked up and his eyes were sad and a little resigned. He'd been exhausted when he returned home, but otherwise unhurt. His eyes, however, lacked their usual luster.

"What can we do?"

Tilly scoffed. "We've got a witch, a werewolf, and a psychic...I'm pretty sure we're like the dream team of supernatural creatures."

I laughed a little and even Ben cracked a smile at her upbeat attitude. The silence of the house was strange, all of the boys seemed to be feeling similarly to Ben. Even Noah who hardly remembered his mom and hadn't been told the true reason behind the attack knew that there were dangerous things in the air.

Tucker was more serious than usual; he wasn't shutting me out per se and for that I was grateful. Things were strange between us. He hadn't pressed me for any more of the truth after the night that I met with my father. But he still seemed wary of me.

For good reason too. He knew I wasn't being completely honest with him, but he didn't know why.

After what I'd learned about my father- about Delia...I couldn't deny the truth any longer. Whatever Alice and the hunters were doing, collecting and bleeding out creatures, Johnathan was behind it. He was responsible for Delia's memory loss. He had orchestrated the beating I'd taken. I couldn't keep the truth from them anymore, not when they were all potentially in danger.

"I need to tell you guys something," I began. They turned their eyes to me expectantly and watched as I drew in a big breath.

And I told them everything.

Tilly's face as I explained the real reason why her grandmother hated werewolves was a picture of shock. They agreed with my theory that Johnathan had lost someone in the same way that Sophia had lost Roman- his tether, Sam.

I told them about the dreams, about the new abilities, about the strange desires that came after Tucker's challenge. Ben swallowed nervously as I told them about the jump I had to take in order to save his older brother. I told them about Alice's visit and struggled to explain how she was working with my father. After so much time spent denying it, I finally had to accept that my father- the only one that could help me- was the person putting my friends and family in danger. But was it just him and the hunters?

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