Chapter 69

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George was in the living room, writing a report on the human reproductive system. She was lying on the floor with her feet up on the couch; listening to the radio, which was playing an acid rock song. She was also watching a porn movie, as she did her homework. Integra walked in when she heard the loud music playing.

"Will you turn that noise down." ordered Integra, as she stood above George. "What are you listening to anyway?"

"Disturbed Minds." said George, as she hit the remote and turned the music down.

"They'd have to be in order to call that noise music." Integra scoffed.

Now with the music down, Integra heard something else; the sounds of a couple making love. She looked to the TV and saw that George was watching porn.

"George, why are you watching porn?" Integra raised an eyebrow at her.

"Homework." said George, as she just continued writing.

"Homework?" questioned Integra, a confused looked covered her face.

"I have to do a report on the human reproductive system." said George.

"Couldn't you just read a book?" asked Integra, looking around at all the books at George's feet. "Or several books." She chuckled.

"Technically, I finished the paper yesterday. The basic mechanics are simple." George explained succinctly. "A man inserts himself into a woman, and his sperm fertilizes her eggs, and after nine months of gestation in the mother's womb, a child is born."

"And you're watching porn because..." Integra watched George turn over and address her.

"Because I got curious." George shrugged.

"About what?" scoffed Integra.

"Why?" said George, plainly.

"Why what?" Integra wondered.

"Why, if human reproduction is for the perpetuation of the species, why do humans spend so much time talking about it, watching it, singing about it, and planning for it. Every animal, fish, or bird has a season for mating." George ticked off each point on her finger. "But it seems to me that humans spend three-fourths of the year doing it; not for the perpetuation of our species, but for fun. Why? Our whole culture from T.V, to movies, to radio, to the printed word seems to revolve around it, but why?" 

"Ah..." said Integra, now following George's reasoning.

"Did you know that the father determines the sex of the child? Males have one X chromosome and one Y chromosome; while females have two X chromosomes?" informed George, as she took up sitting up on the floor, and Indian crossed her legs.

"Yes, George. That's why bloodlines are so important." Integra educated her, while she stood there watching the porn movie, with sideward glances. "The child inherits characteristics of both parents, but the blood is inherited only from the father."

"So that's why girls have always been treated as second class citizens." George crossed her arms and grumbled. "We're only seen as mothers, toys, and cooks."

"It's a man's world, always has been; but that's starting to change." Integra stopped watching TV and turned her attention back to George. "Tell me what has made you so cynical so early in life?"

"I've been reading about the history of sex. It really hasn't changed all that much from century to century." George looked up at Integra and explained what she had been reading. Her hands moving with each point she made. "Different cultures treat sex differently, of course. Some are more "free spirited" and open, while others are downright puritanical."

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