Chapter 58

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George froze and her blood ran cold. Her eyes went wide in fear and she slowly turned around. She knew a werewolf when she smelled one.

"Hello little one, we've been looking for you for a long long time." The werewolf grinned and showed off all of his fangs.

George didn't say anything. She just stood there, shaking in terror; and her fear glued her feet to the floor. Ink immediately appeared in front of George in his werewolf form and challenged the werewolf.

"George run." instructed Ink, as he locked horns with the werewolf and pushed him away from George. "George!"

George snapped out of her fear and she ran for the stairs; grabbing the gun the burglar had dropped on the run. She turned and fired at the werewolf as Ink kept it from chasing after her. The shots she fired hit the werewolf in his head and in his heart. He howled in pain, growled in anger, and then he simply regenerated.

"Lead bullets, George!" reminded Ink, as he fought to keep the enemy werewolf from George. "Just run!"

George ran and as she ran, she tried to think. "Shyte, what was the spell of blessing again." feared George. "Damn it, they need to be silver too. The attic."

George remembered Mrs. Smith mentioning that there was an extra set of dinnerware in the attic; as a second wedding gift. She just needed to get to the attic.

Meanwhile, as Ink fought the werewolf, the Smiths hid behind the couch. Mr. Smith had dragged his grandmother out of harm's way, and now they all hid, waiting for the nightmare to be over. However, it had only begun, as now a second man entered their home. He was tall and pale, and had red eyes.

"Well, well, well a shadow guardian. See Zain, I told you we would find him once we found her."

Zain looked around the room. He saw one dead burglar, one badly bleeding burglar trying to crawl away into the kitchen, and...he sniffed the air; and five humans hiding in fear. He walked over to the couch and looked down upon them. He sniffed the little girl.

"It's not this one." Zain said, returning to his master's side.

"Where is she shadow guardian?" asked the vampire, none too politely.

"Piss off, she's not here." Ink growled, as he fought with the first werewolf.


"She's here. I can smell her." Zain reported. Using his senses to "scan" the house.

"I just hate liars." The Vampire glared at Ink.

The vampire called his familiars to him and they surrounded Ink. Ink put the best fight he could, but it was one against many. They ripped him apart and they killed him. George was busy searching the attic, when she felt Ink's death. Her chest burned with pain, and she dropped to her knees, as an invisible crushing force seemed to want to squeeze her heart into non-existence, and then she began to cry. But she couldn't weep for him now; she had to find a weapon that she could fight with. With all her strength, she got to her feet again and continued to search for the silver dining ware.

"Spread out, search the house." Ordered the Vampire, with a smirking grin. "Find me that girl."

Three werewolves and Zain tore the house apart looking for George, as the vampire sat on the couch and waited.

"Why don't you come out and we'll have a nice chat." He laughed.

The Smiths said nothing to him as they hid. The children whimpered and cried, while the adults prayed for someone to save them. 

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