Chapter 1 Meeting the Girls

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If you don't know what the PowerPuff Girls look like, just look at the picture above. Momoko is the pink one, Miyako is the blue one, and Kaoru is the green one. I don't own the PowerPuffs or the RowdyRuffs. This is my first fanfic, so please be kind in your comments and tell me, in the nicest way, if I need to fix something. I will try my best! Hope you like my story!!! Please comment your thoughts at the end of this chapter. If y'all like it then I'll try to update once a week, it takes time to write.

Momoko's POV
Groaning, I sat up as my alarm clock wakes me up. Not wanting to get up, I lay my head on my knees for a few minutes. Suddenly remembering what today is, I jolt up. 'Today is the first day of 9th grade!!!!' I silently scream in my head. I hurry to my dresser, picking out a cute hot pink shirt with some black pants. After admiring what I look like in the mirror, I run downstairs as I brush my hair and put my Powerpuff Belt on. I walk into the kitchen as I put my signature pink bow as the smell of bacon and eggs dance around me.
"Mmm, smells good, Mom!" I say as I sit at the table. My mother, who is only 5'5 and has the most beautiful brunette hair that I've ever seen which goes good with her ocean blue eyes, turns to give me a smile as she continues to bake. My mom is one of the best cooks I know. She's the reason for my sweet tooth because we would always bake with each other.
"Thank you, dear. Your father took Kuriko to school already, so you'll have to walk." She gives me a small, sad smile as she says this. We don't live far from the school, but Momma doesn't like me walking unless Kaoru and Miyako walk with me.
"Don't worry, Momma. I'll give Kaoru a call to see if she can wait for me." I grab my light pink phone, which was on the table, and type in Kaoru's number. Kaoru and her family only lives a few houses down from my house, so we always walk to school. That's if she wakes up on time. I smile at my mom as I wait for her to pick up.
"Hello?" A sleepy voice says. I should have know Kaoru was still asleep. She never gets up early, but she does have lousy, annoying, loud brothers and a wrestler for a dad, so of course she's a hard sleeper.
"Hey Kaoru! It's me, Momoko! I was wondering if you can wait for me at the stop sign?" I ask in a sweet and innocent voice because sometimes she doesn't wait for me.
"Geez, Momoko... Way to wake me up.....," she grumbles, but then she sighs. "I guess. Meet me there in 15 minutes." I would have replied, but she hung up on me. Golly, that girl don't like to be woken up! Once when we were in 3rd grade, a boy woke her up from her nap... Let's just say, he never bothered her again and the next year he transferred. Kaoru is tough mainly because she loves sports and is on almost every one of the sports. She's a big tomboy and absolutely HATES everything girly. She can sometimes be a "bit" mean. Everyone at school has a slight fear of her. Well all except for Miyako and I. Miyako, however, is the complete opposite of Kaoru. Miyako is sweet, kind, and fashionable. She always forgives and forgets... Well most of the time. There is rarely a time when she's truly mad.. But other then that she's very very awesome!
I am a bit like Miyako. I can be sweet, funny, and kind, but get on my bad side and I promise it will not end well. I have a bit of a sweet tooth problem, I just LOVE sweets! I can't get enough of them! I also love school and I'm very smart, Miyako on the other hand is a bit of an airhead.
Finishing my lovely breakfast, I quickly say goodbye to Mom and hurry to the place where Kaoru said she wanted to meet me to walk to school. Slowing down as I see her, I think about how this day will go.
Oh, I forgot to say this but together we protect the city of New Townsville as The PowerPuff Girls! I'm the one and only Blossom, Miyako is fabulous Bubbles, and Kaoru is the tough, rough Buttercup!!
Together we defeat the villains terrorizing this wonderful city and save the day!

I know I know, it's soooooooooo short but it's all I got so far. I will put more into the chapters the farther the book goes along.... Though I do hope you guys like it so far!!! Oh, BTW, who is y'all's favorite couple?? I want to know what my readers think, so please answer in the comments.... Oh I'm a Blossick fan!! Just so y'all know!
Here are the couples:
1. Blossom x Brick
2. Bubbles x Boomer
And last but not least
3. Buttercup x Butch

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