The effects of quarantine

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If our babies were in quarantine too:

Ikor, trying to spray Eron: Eron get the fuck here RIGHT NOW. YOU HAVEN'T WASHED YOUR HANDS YET!

Eron, running away: Exacly! My hands NOT MY FACE

Ikor finally catches Eron and tries to spray his face. However the windy dodged and the disinfectant hit Ao-ki straight in the face

Ao-ki, taking a deep breath: You 2 have 5 seconds to get out of here before I make you swallow that full disinfectant bottle...

Ikor and Eron: *fearfully running away*

Riff, approaching Ao-ki worriedly: Hey, are you okay? Your eyes are really red...

Ao-ki, letting a tear fall: I think my face is burning

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