21. Senichi Terumi

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“Thanks, Shikamaru.” I said, after he handed me the keys he kept safe for Katsu downstairs, in his office. “No problem. Enjoy your vacation.” He replied. I nodded in thanks and left. I grabbed my jacket and put it on before narrowing my eyes, leaving the Hokage Building. ‘There’s only one place I can go now…’ I thought to myself, and with that, I headed straight for Hinata and Naruto’s house.

The door was answered by a tired blonde-haired man with a noisy baby in his arm. I blinked in surprise to realise it was Naruto. He blinked once and regained his usual self, “Oh, hey Miyuki. Long time, no see. Where are manners? Come on in!” he said welcoming me inside. I nodded in thanks and removed my boots before walking inside. “Hinata! Look who came to join us for breakfast!” Naruto enthusiastically declared as he headed to the kitchen. I rounded the corner giggling at how his warm presence reminded me of Ryuu’s. Gees, it’s been months and I haven’t seen him once! “Miyuki, you’re here.” Hinata beamed. Naruto grinned and sat at the dining table in front of the kitchen with the crying baby, gently lifting him in the air to calm Boruto. It worked fast too. I hugged Hinata and she complimented my new hairstyle before inviting me to sit down while she fixed up an extra plate.

“So, what brings you here? Katsu isn’t back yet, is he?” Naruto asked from across the table. “No. Actually, I came here to ask you both something.” I admitted. Hinata then brought the plates and Boruto’s bottled milk. “Huh? Both of us?” He asked in confusion, handing the baby over to Hinata. “Yes. It’s important too. But I’ll understand if you don’t want to talk about it.” I meant it too. “What is it, Miyuki? Is everything alright?” Hinata asked in slight concern. She sat at the end of the table with Boruto. I looked to them both with a serious look, “I need to know what Toneri Otsutski looks like.” Their eyes widened, “Toneri?” He asked in disbelief. “Well, Toneri had very pale skin, and wore a long white kimono with a pale green sash.” Hinata recalled. I narrowed my eyes, ‘So, it was him.’ I thought. “Yeah, that’s right. Weird, blue hair too. Why are you asking about him?” Naruto curiously inquired. “Oh, it’s nothing. I was just wondering if we look alike because Katsu thinks we’re somehow related.” I waved off dismissively. Naruto gave me a skeptical eyebrow raise, but shrugged it off nevertheless. “Oh okay. Anyway, the food looks great Hinata.” He beamed. “Yes, delicious. Thanks.” I added. “Oh, you’re both very welcome.” She shyly replied, and with that we dug in.

My mind was running with questions the entire time. Now that I know the dream was real, what did he mean he was too late to save Katsu? What Sage mode did he unseal? And what darkness had tracked me down in the Hidden Mist? After the great breakfast and enjoyable conversation, I left. I figured my old workplace should be my next stop. I wasn’t prepared for what I was met with...

Entering Yamanaka’s Flower Shop, I halted, seeing a slightly pregnant looking Ino handing one of the bouquets on display to a new customer: Senichi Terumi. They both looked to me, and I looked at them. Then Ino gasped, “MIYUKI!!!” She excitedly squealed, running passed Sen and tackling me. She gave me a tight squeeze, “Careful, Ino. Your poor baby might go into shock...” I grunted out. She then released me, much to my relief. “Ah! I’m so sorry future Ino-Sai.” She said, holding her stomach in worry. “What’s going on out here?” Sai asked as he walked in from the back room with my old clerk apron and an emptied box in his hand. “Oh, nothing to worry about Sai. Honest!” Ino waved off. “That’s when I get worried. Which is why I’m here to watch over you.” Sai smiled.

As she chuckled nervously, and Sai walked up to her, Sen appeared before me, shoving red roses in my face, “What do you think? I was just about to buy them for you.” It immediately caught Ino and Sai’s attention. I sweat-dropped, slowly pushing the bouquet out of my face, “Why?” I questioned. “What? You’re with Miyuki!? Why didn’t you say so? She loves the white lilies.” Ino smugly recalled. “Ino!” I reprimanded. “What? It’s about time you got yourself a boyfriend.” I scoffed, “Unbelievable. You’re just like Mei-Sensei. It’s all about men with you two. No offence Sai.” I said, folding my arms and looking away. “None taken.” Sai shrugged.

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