Thank god my car broke down(Niall horan)

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Heya guys. This is my 1st story so comment if ya like it!:3

Ps: I'm a crap speller so sozz if I spell sumtin that isn't right..:/ stay Kewl my purple marshmellows

"And live while we're young..." the 5 boys sang on the radio. I don't know who they are but they sing great. The head guy of the station was about to say who sang it when my car broke down in the middle of the street. I was mad as hell! I'll try 3 more time then that's it I'm walking. 2 time left. 1 chance left. So it turns out I'm walking. I was going to do that in the first place...

I went to my boot and took out my sneakers. I was wearing uggs and me walking maybe even running in the snow? Ha that would a laugh for sum people! My car was light so I was able to push it in behind a bush that was big enough to hide the car.

After walking for about 10 minutes it seemed like hours! Oh! Your all thinking wtf who's she? Right? Well my name is anna Bowen. I'm from ireland I'm half from Italy. I'm 18. My favorite things are playing guitar violin piano and singing. I'm also into soccer and athletics too. I love music and food!( thank god I don't get fat!) so back to my story.

Finally I saw a house in the distance. Not a house. A mansion! I walked up the drive way and fixed by hair a bit. I rang the door bell and 2 boys around my age, a little bit older maybe answered the door. They both had a smile on there faces. It's kinda awkward when to boys are standing there smiling when you answer the door. The older one said" cum on in!" Then just walked in a room. The 2nd one did the same. I stepped inside closing they door behind me. My hair was covered in snowflakes from outside. I walked in to a huge hall with big twirly staircase and a big light in the centre. I waited for about 4 minutes before a another boy walked in. Holy chizz how many boys live in this house!? Before he saw me he shouted"lads u better have gotten the food because we're snowed in for 7 weeks!" Seven weeks!? When he saw me he said" If your looking for harry he's in the kitchen." Harry? Who's Harry ?

" no. I was looking for sum help. My car broke down about 10 minutes away from here. Cud u call sum one to toe it or sumin?" I ask hoping for a sure or a yea."ummm well you heard what I said so no because we're snowed in for 7 weeks do your going to be staying with us for the next few weeks..." the said rubbing his neck.

He was pretty cute when he did that. He had a shaved head and brown eyes with a deep British accent. " My names Liam my the way" the said as he snapped me out of my thoughts. " I'm Anna. Nice to meet ya"

Thank god my car broke down(Niall horan)Where stories live. Discover now