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Their eyes widened in recognization of the big machine and Hayley pointed a finger at it. "TITAN!" She yelled.

"Hostile Titan! Everybody run!" Adams ordered.

"Holy shit!" Haggard spat out.

They all dispersed into multiple directions to avoid the Titan's attacks but ultimately split off from each other. Walker was able to analyze it; it was a Ronin, sub-variant of the Stryder class. It hits hard, moves quickly, but its armor is otherwise made out of paper, so Walker was gonna exploit that somehow. The Ronin pulled its broadsword from its back and began to slice everything it saw.

Roux ran into some direction which split her off from anyone. She didn't know where she going, only that she had to put some distance between her and that giant ass sword. But heavy metallic footsteps came closer and closer to her before she was able to narrowly avoid being sliced in half by the Titan's broadsword. She ducked down and rolled over to her side to dodge another strike before getting up and trying to run some more. But the laser designator that was attached to her hip slipped off and fell to the ground before the Ronin stepped on it and crushed it.


She tried to run but her leg was swiped from under her and she tripped to the ground. She turned to see the Titan looming over her and bringing up its leg to squish her. She brought up an arm to protect herself (not that it would do anything) and closed her eyes as she awaited her fate.

"STOP!" Someone yelled and the Titan froze. Roux opened her eyes and saw Walker near them to her side with an arm raised.

The Ronin lowered its leg and stared at him. "Who are you?" The Pilot asked through the Ronin's speaker systems.

"Captain Walker, 105th Special Operations Division. I'm here to help." He said pacing over to them.

"Walker, what are you-" Roux began.

"Shut up!" He cut her off and kicked her to the ground, shutting her up.

"Special forces? We weren't expecting that. And I thought there weren't any other Pilots here besides me." The Pilot said.

"Yeah, I just came in. But my dropship got shot down on the way here. Damn Militia bastards. I was supposed to head to Sector 2, but I'm here now, so I'll start working I guess." He turned to Roux. "Let's start with you." He told her and tapped something o his wrist-mounted display.

Something materialized in the HUD of Roux's helmet. It was an encrypted message which her helmets computer decrypted revealing a message which only had two words:

Trust me...

Walker violently grabbed her and held her up. She tried to fight him but he was too strong for her.

"A feisty one, we got over here," Walker remarked and ripped her helmet off and moved closer to her ear. "Just go with the flow," he whispered to her. She instantly realized what he was trying to imply and kept going. Walker threw her down onto the ground drew his pistol out which he pointed at her.

Roux played along by raising her arms up in surrender and looking distressed. "P-Please d-don't kill me! I'll tell you a-anything!" She cried.

Walker smiled from underneath his helmet. "That's the spirit," He remarked. "Now, what the hell is the Militia doing here?" He demanded.

She shook her head. "I-I don't know, I'm just a lower class Pilot. B-But they said that they will be sending down an invasion force soon over at the next sector. We're just here as a distraction. That's all I know, I swear!" She explained shakily.

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