The Distance That Took You Away

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Braden's phone rings

"Hello?" He asks. Oh hey he says into the phone his voice growing softer.

I was instantly curious but kept quiet, fidgeting with the round charm on my necklace that said 'muisc expresses what cannot be said'

"Oh hey Candace!" Braden said a wide smile spreading across his face.

I didn't feel comfortale laying here intruding on Braden's call, plus I was getting sick of waiting here for the doctor. So I did the first thing to come to mind. I moved so my legs where out on the other side the bed and being careful of the iv, i pushed myself so i was sitting up about to get off the bed.

He gave me a look and mouthed "what do you think you're doing?!"

I mouthed back "I'm getting up."

He shook his head and gently pushed me back down.

"Tours going well, yeah miss you too." He said.

I sighed quietly, before looking around the room to distract myself.

"I have to go." Braden said "I'll be home in a few weeks."

As soon as he hung up, I asked "Did they say when the doctor might be coming? I'm really not fond of hospitals."

"In about 10 minutes" he said.

"Sorry that was my girlfriend she hates when I go on tour..... " He sighed. "She's not a huge fan of my music thing......"

I raised an eyebrow at that. "She doesn't support you doing what you love to do?"

A look of hurt crossed his face after he said that. "No. Cause I'm always leaving her. My parents aren't too crazy about her either."

My gaze softened. "Thats understandable, I'm sorry" I shifted a bit to try and get comfortable. "What's she like, if you dont mind me asking?"

"She's an individual let's put it that way." he said laughing.

"Sabrina Ramierez?" A doctor poked his head in.

I looked up when i heard my name. "Yes?" I answered.

"We just need you to sign these and then you can go" he said.

My mom is waiting in the waiting room when we are released.

"So.....Braden?" I asked clearly uncomfortable.

He looked down at me before responding "what's up?"

"Umm so what exactly happened? I only remember the oxygen mask......"

Braden sighed before saying, "To be honest, I'm not really sure. I looked down for a few minutes to check my guitar and the next thing I knew, you were laying on the stage and your mom rushing past me toward you. She might know." He tried to smile reasuringly at me, but I was too lost in my thoughts to really notice. I was brought out of them when i felt myself being pulled into a hug by my mom.

"Baby are you okay? You scared me!" Mom said.

"I'm fine" i reasured her. "But do you know what happened? I don't remmeber."

"You passed out on the stage and Braden offered to go to the ER with you. You had one your anxiety attacks." she said.

"O-oh." Was all i could say.

"When is the rescheduled show?"  I asked.

"Thursday." She replied.

"Oh. Um okay. Braden where do you go next? Until my show?" I couldn't help thinking about Candace.

He shrugged. "I'll check soon. I'm not quite sure at the monent haha."

"Oh okay." I said "but I have school all this week. So we can't hang out." I was sad about it and I think that Braden could tell.

"Here." He said pulling out a peice of scrap paper from his pocket and a pen before writing on it and handing the paper to me. "My number, so we can still talk as well as start getting things set up for when we head out to the next venue."

"Okay thanks!" I said giving him a quick hug.

We all walked out of the hospital to my parents car before giving Braden a ride back to The Spotlight so he could pick up his guitar.

"I'm sorry Braden" I say again. " where are you staying tonight? " I ask.

"It's fine. I booked a hotel a couple streets away before I went to Spotlight. I just got to let them know I'll be stayin a bit longer." He replied, pointed in a direction down the street.

"Oh okay. Do you want us to call them?" I asked.

'It's fine, I should probably head over there soon." He replied.

"Can we hang out tomorrow?" I ask.

'Yeah, that'd be great.' He beamed.

"Okay see you then." I say smiling.

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