Between The Roses

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"Are you okay?" Braden asks alarmed.

I couldn't answer but next thing I knew, my door was thrown open and Elisa was helping me out of the car.

"Where.......are......we.....?" I moaned.

"We're on the side of the road." Braden said.

I groaned before another wave of nausea crashed over me. I started falling to the ground when Braden caught me.

Elisa's POV

Sabrina fell forward but before she could hit the ground, Braden caughter her and picked her up. "Lay her in the car." I said, climbing in and when he layed her down, i possitioned myself so that her head and shoulders where resting on my lap. I touched her forhead with the back of my hand before pulling it away. "Shes got a fever."

"I have a thermometer and Tylenol in my bag" Braden said.

I gently shook Sabrina's shoulder to wake her up. "Sabrina. Sabrina, come on, wake up." I tried to coax her awake.

"No go away" she says.

"Sorry, but you have a fever. I want to check your temp first, then you can sleep for a bit ok?" I said trying to keep my voice soft.

"No, go away. I don't feel good I want Braden."

"She's clearly out of it." I tell him.

"We should probably not chance it." I pulled out my phone and pulled up google maps. "There's a hospital a few miles away from here. Let's take her there, I'm worried." I added.

I'm fine" she called "now that you woke me up!"

"Nope. We are taking you there, end of story. I dont want anything happening to my baby sister." I said stubbornly.

"Ugh! Braden! Help me?!" She begged.

He shifted in the front seat so he could gently move her hair away from her face. "Bri, please, do this for us. For me?" He whispered, gazing intently at her.

"Okay, only if Elisa goes away." She says joking.

I gasp pretending to be offeneded. "The feels!" I mock-cried.

"Well, it was originally SUPPOSED to be just Braden and I" she said.

I pretended to cry before saying, "True."

She laughs. "Can we go to the hotel? I'm tired."

I share a look with Braden befire we both reply "no. Hospital first."

She sighs "fine."

They get to the hospital.

"How can we help you?" A nurse asks.

"My sister was throwing up and had paassed out as well as having a high fever." I spoke up quickly, knowing Sabrina would just say she is fine.

Braden just stayed out of it.

"I'm fine." She insisted stubbornly.

Braden gave her a look that said "we'll be out of here soon."

Sabrina sighed, giving in. I smiled, grateful she would listen now and because they are just too cute.

He picked her up bridal style because he knew how much she hated hospital beds.

The nurse asked her for her name, birthday and address before placing one of those plastic id slips around her wrist.

She sighs.

After waiting for a short time, we heard someone call for Sabrina.

"You just have the flu." A doctor confirmed.

I sighed in relief that it was nothing worse.

(Braden's POV)

Sabrina cuddled into me not wanting to let go. She was so warm.

"See? We'll already be heading out soon. That wasnt so bad, right?" I asked lightly.

She mumbles in response. I can tell she doesn't feel good at all just by how warm she is.

I couldn't help worrying. Even though it was just a flu, it still sucked to be sick.

"Braden?" She asked against my shoulder.

"Hmm?" I asked.

"I'm tired" she moans.

"It's ok if you wanna sleep now." I said.

"What about tour?" She asked.

I stayed quiet for a moment trying to think of what to do.

"Braden?" She asked. "Are you okay?"

I smiled, touched by her concern. "Yeah, I'm okay. Just thinking. What are you think of?"

"Nothing really, my head hurts, I'm cold and I.....thought I made you mad...." She cuts off.

I held her closer trying to help keep her warm. "No, you didnt make me mad. I was really worried about you though."

"Really?" She asks.

"Yeah." I said, my voice cracking with emotion. "I was really worried." I couldnt stop talking now that I started. "I was worried and really scared that it was something much worse. I didn't know what to think."

She cuddles closer into me. "I love you Braden" she said.

"Love you too." I whispered quietly.

(Sabrina's POV)

Tour only lasted 2 weeks long and it sucked because I was sick for the first part.

"I'm so glad, I wasnt sick the entire time." I said as the three of us walked out of the last venue.

I would've been so worried and the fans would have been so disappointed!" Braden says.

"Oh give me a break!" Elisa says. "She's a girl she can handle it."

I bury my face into braden's shoulder pretending to sulk.

I was met with the sound of both of them laughing which made me smile.

"Hey! Why are you laughing at me?! Braden?!" I playfully start to run away mad at them. They catch up to me.

"So Braden, when do you go back to Canada?" Elisa asks.

I could feel the tears threatening to fall.

"I have a week before I head back I think." He responded, his gaze focused on the ground.

He reached for my hand. "I'm not going to let distance get in our way though." He whispered determinedly.

"I don't want you to leave!" my voice cracking.

"I know, I don't want to leave yet either. But I have to, even if it's just for a little while." He replied.

"I wish I could come with you." I sighed. "I don't want to deal with Chloe anymore......"

"She is kinda a pain isnt she?" He said, trying to make the situation lighter by joking.

"Haha" I wasn't in the mood for joking. "my parents are always fighting......"

I have a question Braden says.

"Which is?" I ask.

"I know we've only just met and I know you're only 15 but will you think about maybe marrying me someday?"

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