The ending of highschool

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Hey girl how are you? How have you been? What did you do this weekend? Luna was being ignored, by her one and only friend and was still trying to catch her attention so then she asked the 3 same questions again but at the end she said her name but she was still being ignored so she said Starr what's wrong with you and then Starr slammed her locker and said you is what wrong with me. Luna did not understand what she meant because her the level of understanding but after she keep saying it to her self she found out what she meant a little so she went to go to talk to her and she said "what's wrong with me" and she said " well when I talk to you or I'm seen with you people talk about me and things and there is this cute boy and I can't talk to him because of you" Luna was very confused and she said " meeeee? " and Luna walked away and Luna was thinking to herself what did she do so wrong.

It's been 2 weeks without Starr calling or texting her and so she checked her Instagram and she seen that she got the boy that she wanted and finally knew that there friendship was over. So after that she stop going to school for a week didn't eat barely slept and was very antisocial but then there was graduation so she went to school and graduated but there was no one there to support her she walked home crying and sad and she felt like the world was not for her anymore but she was still baring through it but as she was walking home this boy that just graduated too said "hey lil momma what your name" Luna said "Luna" he said what a beautiful name and she said "what yours" he said "Jordan, so why you walking home on a big day like this" Luna said "because I don't have anybody" and Jordan said "well you got me now" Luna smiled so big and she was so happy they laughed played and spent the day with each other.

Jordan and Luna started talking until March 19,2021 they started dating .

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