Competition day [pt3]

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Gyro POV
I woke up around 10:00 god how long have I been asleep for. I turned to see y/n on her phone still with my headphones in. WAIT! I never moved,was I laying on her this whole time. Shit I drool, did she notice.
"Hey sleepy head" she smiled.
"Sorry for falling asleep. How long was I out?" I sat up.
"Three hours,I woke up around thirty minutes ago we are almost there."she replied.
I pulled out my phone to see she posted something on Snapchat. It was a picture of me drooling on top of y/n with the caption "band vibes". So she did see and everyone else.
"Why would you post that!?" I grabbed her shoulder shoving  the phone in face.
"Pffft it was cute don't worry."she tried to hold in a laugh.
"Just you wait I'll get one of you"glancing around I hoped no one saw it.
About 20 mins later
"Alright everyone we're here! Get your instruments ready and uniforms on and head to warm up" on of the band moms spoke up.
We all started to get dressed and head out to the warmup area me and y/n where some of the last people on our bus bc she was fixing something on my uniform.
"You nervous?" She looked up from her sewing.
"What me no, never" I wasn't nervous about competition I was nervous about being alone with her. She made me feel all weird inside and being alone with her made it worse.
"Don't lie i Can tell. Just take deep breaths and you'll be fine."she smiled up at me with a genuine smile.
"You're always." She tied a not and stood up.
"Alight you're all ready, now I'm sure you have a section to get to." I saw her grab her own stuff and get dressed. I started to walk out tempted to stay in help but I could see the drum line waving me to come join them." Hey gyro wait up a sec."
I turned to see y/n walking towards me. She was looking down."I forgot something."
"Oh, what is it? Is there still a hole in these pants?" I chuckled looking over my uniform to try and find something wrong.
"Well not exactly" she grabbed my face and pulled my face closer to her and kissed my cheek."for good luck." And with that she walked right past me and off the bus.
I held my hand over my cheek. Did she really just kiss me? I want more. Wait what am I saying it was just a kiss on the cheek. You've gotten plenty before this gyro. I shook my head and headed off the bus.
"Ayyyy guys look it's drools McGee" Narancia pointed at me.
"One more word outta you and you're off snare Nara !"
"Yeah Narancia you don't wanna piss of the love bird~" Kakyoin leaned on Narancia making kissing noises.
"That's it you're all dead!"
I know this one is short sorry

Late night bus ride ( Gyro Zeppeli x reader ) modern au Where stories live. Discover now