𝕓𝕒𝕕 𝕟𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥

82 11 1

Had a bad night, cursed you out then I said goodbye.
Treated my transgression with about twenty licks to my thigh.
You treated me like a stranger next morning, was quick to say bye.
I said you're treating me weird and you said, "I wonder why."

Have nothing else to say; I think I'll just leave you alone.
Everything I say just sounds different over the phone.
I'm sick of being choked by my pride and you by your own.
I need you so bad but I can't control my own tone.

You treat it like a war; how many bullets you can gather to shoot.
I'm not your lover anymore; I'm just the enemy with bullets to loot.
I give you all my ammo cause I never want you to lose.
I thought you'd do the same but you don't and I'm so confused.

All the words are blurring even when I have my glasses on.
I want to end this fight but I don't think I can continue on.
My heart is aching; this war has been fought way too long.
Over the course of our love I've realized that I'm not that strong.

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