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I was sitting on the bench in the rose garden. The sun was setting. Jack held my hand gently. It was peaceful. He leaned over and kissed me.

"Promise you'll stay with me forever, Anna," he murmured.

I smiled. This was so nice. I never wanted it to end.


"Anna, don't choose him! Choose me!" Another voice shouted.

I turned, it was Victor. Victor? What was he doing here? He had the same pain-filled face as the last time I saw him. He ran over and pulled me away from Jack. He crushed his lips to mine desperately.

"Anna, I'd care for you a hundred times more than he would. Choose me instead," he pleaded.

"Wait, I-"

"Anna, neither of them is right for you!" A voice from behind me called.

I turned toward it. Arthur?! What was going on? He pulled me from Victor and held me gently. He glared at the other two.

"Neither of them understands you like I do. What do they have that I don't? I'm the one who would be here for you no matter what. Choose me, only me," he begged.

Jack? Victor? Arthur? My head was spinning. Why were they here?

"But I can't," I said, confused. "I-I don't know who to choose."

"Choose me!" Jack shouted, standing.

"No, me!" Victor cried.

"Anna, pick me," Arthur said, holding me tighter.

The world went dark. Suddenly, more of Mr. Weston started to appear. Dozens, then hundreds. They surrounded me. All I could see was his face over and over again. All of them begging for the same thing.

Anna, Anna! Pick me! Choose me! Not him! Me! Me!

Their voices all blended together. I couldn't make out the words anymore. His voice was roaring, echoing. All I could hear was the desperation in their voices. I covered my ears. It was too much, too loud. I didn't want this.

Anna, Anna, Anna!

I felt my body shaking slightly. What was happening now? Mr. Weston and all of his voices started to disappear slowly. They faded away until only one was left. It grew stronger as the world became darker.

"Anna? Anna, wake up!"

I gasped and sat up suddenly. The bright light of morning blinded me temporarily. I covered my eyes with my hands. What was going on? Where was I?

As the stinging in my eyes faded I uncovered them. I blinked a couple times to help adjust to the light. Bed? That's right, I was in our room. With who though? I turned, Mr. Weston gave me a concerned look. He reached out and grabbed my hand.

"Sorry, I wasn't trying to scare you awake. I got a little too excited when I saw you were still here," he muttered.

My brain was still confused. I only woke up a moment ago, after all. Someone who was happy to find me in his bed? I blinked at him a couple times.

"Victor?" I said cautiously.

His eyes grew wide. "Oh no, what did Victor do this time?"

Not Victor? Who else did I share a bed with? I gasped as the realization hit me. I threw my arms around him and hugged him close.

"Jack!" I cried.

I heard him chuckle. He pulled me closer and kissed my neck.

"Good, you do still remember me," he murmured.

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