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"What?!" I managed to blurt out.

He shrugged casually. "Your clothes. Take them off."

It wouldn't exactly be the first time Mr. Weston had requested this, but it was the first time from "Arthur." Plus, the idea of cameras being involved made me a bit nervous. I wasn't exactly trying to be the mansion's centerfold.

"Don't you think that seems a little inappropriate for a picture, sir?" I asked nervously.

"God, no!" He shouted, taking a bite of his apple. He spoke between bites. "It's a return to the true age of art! Birth of Venus by Botticelli, Michelangelo's David, da Vinci's Vitruvian Man. Uncensored images so raw and powerful they are still spoken about to this day. The human body is a mystery we can never hope to unravel, but we can capture its beauty. Preserve it for future generations to be in awe of."

"I dare say the 'future generations' seeing these pictures is my worry," I muttered.

"Why is that? Your body is beautiful, Ms. Walton," he said simply.

I blushed at this.

"Ah," he said, catching himself, "sorry if I've embarrassed you."

"No, sir," I said quickly. "I-I'm sorry. I'm just not comfortable with the idea of nude photos of myself being passed around."

He stood and walked toward me. "This isn't like one of those filthy magazines, I can promise you that if that's your worry. My pictures aren't meant to be gawked at by desperate men who have their tongues out, panting like dogs. My pictures are art. Paintings brought to life. True beauty captured in a moment. I'd never ask you to do something so distasteful." He gently put his hands on my shoulders, he looked worried. "You know that, right?"

I looked away from him. "Well, of course. However, I'm still not comfortable with the idea of strangers seeing my body. Aren't there any other pictures you'd like to take?"

He seemed conflicted. Thomas mentioned how dedicated Arthur was to his work. Ignoring all else to accomplish his vision. Me begging him to change his mind must be upsetting to him.

He let out a deep sigh and squeezed my shoulders. "Ms. Walton, I fear I will be able to focus on nothing else until I have completed these photos." I opened my mouth to protest, but he raised his hand to stop me. "However, I do have a compromise that might satisfy both of us. I don't do my art for the sake of others, I do it for the love of art. If you allow me to take these pictures, then I swear to you that no other living soul will see them. I won't even attempt to show Thomas."

I paused a moment. No one else would see them? Mr. Weston had already seen me nude before, whether he remembered it or not. I trusted him enough to think none of his personas would try anything with them. As uncomfortable as the idea made me, was it really so bad?

Mr. Weston could see my will weakening. He took the opportunity. He grabbed his camera and gave me a gentle smile, pleading.

"I suppose it's also my fault for rushing you," he said softly. "We don't have to jump straight to nudity. After all, it's not as if you do this all the time. Of course, you'd feel uncomfortable. I know I would be." He grabbed my arm and led me over to the backdrop. "We can start slowly. Clothes on. When you feel more comfortable we can start to remove them."

I was still hesitant about this whole idea, but by that time Mr. Weston had already positioned me in the backdrop and started adjusting the lights. They were bright. I covered my eyes with my hands.

"Don't look directly at the lights, Ms. Walton. Look at me," he said.

I did. As embarrassing as this situation was it also felt familiar. Though he wasn't "Jack" right now, Mr. Weston was again making me the center of his attention. Seeing the way he stared at me made my heart flutter. I looked toward the ground.

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