Day 1, part 2: Contraban and Housewives

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-PReviously on The Most Fucked Up and Popular Kids in School-

Aquamarine: Hey pink haired girl get this other pink haired girl off of me!!

Spinny: Sissy get off the shortie.

Spinel: Ella me llamó una cogida española!

Spinny: Para ser justos, ¿no somos españolas?

Aquamarine: What are they saying?

Steven: I dunno I think they're talking differently.
Volley: Oh hello there. Care to buy some contraban? Lighters, pills, bullets to guns, and guns themselves? I have them all in this bag.

Spinel: Pills you say? Like medicine?

Volley: Illegal drugs that a pre-schooler should'nt have but I have it anyway. Care to buy any?

Spinel: YES-

Spinny: Nope! Hi Volley I'm Spinny and this is my twin sister Spinel.

Volley: *smiles* Now to meet you two.

Spinel: Gimme my contraban-

Spinny: Say, know what this is? *holds bitten cigar in her palm*

volley: Oh thats-

Pearl: No contraban in my school!

Spinel: Dude you're literally a kid like the rest of us.
Pearl: you shall be reported to the head of the preschool!

Spinny: D-do you have any maple syrups?

Volley: God dammit Pearl. Fuck you.

Pearl: What does that mean?

Volley: No clue.

Spinny: Does anyone have any maple syrups?

White: Whats going on here?

Pearl: Ah yes. I have something to report, Mrs White!

White: What's going on here?

Pearl: Mrs. White Volley is selling contraban again!

Volley: Oh screw you, Pearl.

White: To be honest I couldn't care less, but thank you Pearl.

Pearl: SUssPeND hER.

Spinel: How the hell do you get suspended from preschool?

Spinny: Same way you did.

Spinel: oh yeah...

Volley: Well I made Mrs. Yellow happy.

Pearl: Mrs. Yellow is passed out-

Volley: See? She's happy. And besides, its cheap.

Spinel: Like Pearl.

Pearl: Excuse me, I'm not cheap.

Spinel: Fine, free, whatever.

Pearl: Rude. Mrs. White do something about this contraban!!!!

White: Hm...Volley I'll give you $20 for the gun.

Volley: 30.

White: 25.

Volley: 30.

White: Fuck you. But deal. *pays*

Pearl: But it violates-

The Most Fucked Up and Popular Kids in PreschoolWhere stories live. Discover now