Day 1, part 1: The New Girls

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-Meanwhile the parents drop off their kids cuz they give no fucks about what happens when theyre alone-
White: Ah shit here we go again...

Blue: White! Look at all the precious little children! Aren't they just precious?

White: Remember last time they came?

Blue: We'll make sure to keep Connie away from the globe this time. So hopefully she doesn't get a broken bone.

Spinny: Yee! Lezz go! *giggles and hugs and Blue* Nice to meet you!

Blue: Aww....what's your name?

Spinny: My name's Spinny!

White: Welcome to the Diamond whatever-the-hell-this-place-is Spinny. *smiles* Anyone with you?

Spinny: my sister's outside! *points to the door, where Spinel is slowly dragging her tiny black backpack inside*

White: Welco-

Spinel: Who the heck are you? Smurfette?

Blue: Uhm...I don't think so. I'm Blue Diamond. You look just adorable- OW!!!

*Blue tries to boop Spinel's nose, only to have it bit*


Spinel: Touch me and die.

Blue: Ouch...

Spinny: Yeah she got expelled from the other daycare.

White: Why?

Spinny: Because she cut off one of the boy's "dig" or whatever she said.

Spinel: It's called a dick, idiot.

Spinny: I don't get it.

Spinel: And you won't get it for a loooong time...

Steven: And I'm back!

Lapis: Hiiiii

Spinel; Oh god dammit-

Peridot: *using the phone she stole from a random teenager* I actually know what I'm doing this time! *meanwhile trying to find the password*

Connie: *spinning on the globe* Are there any games on there? *falls off the counter* OOOWWW-!!!

Peridot: No I don't think so.

Steven: Hey there, my name's Stephanie!

Blue: Steven-

Steven: Stella!

Spinny: I'm Spinny! And...can I borrow your crayon?

Steven: Which one? The fed, the one that's the color of the watery thing or the color that's the ame as the dog's throw up?

Spinny: hmm...wait what's water?

Steven:...Now that you asked I dunno.

Spinny: Well Ill just take this one. *takes red crayon and eats it* Mmm...kinda crunchy. Have any maple syrup?

Steven: I think Volley has some.

Spinny: Thanks! Come on Spins let's go get some maple syrup!

Spinel: *fighting Aquamarine*

Aquamarine: GET OFF OF ME!!!!

Spinel: What was that you said about me you little pixie shit?!

Aquamarine: What does shit mean?!

Spinel: I have no idea.

Steven: Aquamarine are you ok?

Aquamarine: Hey pink haired girl get this other pink haired girl off of me!!

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