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In the morning Zayn and Harry woke up simultaneously and stretched out.

Zayn went to walk into the bathroom to shower and think things over from last night, but Harry grabbed his hand and pulled him back down.

Harry: "what's the rush?"

Zayn: "I've gotta shower and get breakfast made for Delilah"

Harry: "Del isn't even up yet babe, come lay down"

Zayn reluctantly rolled back into bed and cuddled up to Harry's chest.

Harry: "I know you're worried about me not being there when she's born, so do you wanna talk about it before Del wakes up?"

Zayn: "I guess so"

Harry: "mkay, so what's bothering you?"

Zayn: "the fact that I'm gonna have our second baby and you won't be there to hold me through it...or when I wake up from the surgery, you won't be there to hold Delaney when she enters the world babe. My heart aches at that thought because no matter how many people are there with me, it'll mean nothing unless you're there. I don't know if I can do it"

Zayn's tears fell onto Harry's bare chest and Harry played with his hair while kissing the top of his head.

Harry: "I-I don't know what to say baby. I feel like the worst husband...and dad in the world to be honest. I know that this is what I have to do in order to support our family, but I can't lie and say that I'm not heart broken."

Zayn sighed and hugged Harry closer

Harry: "I don't want this to affect us though, promise me it won't?"

Zayn: "it won't, I'm so completely in love with you. It's just a hard life to live."

Harry: "mhm, but we're in this together...all four of us"

Harry placed a protective hand over Zayn's stomach and rubbed it up and down.

Zayn: "I love you babe, and you're not a bad husband...and you're definitely not a bad dad."

Harry: "well I'm trying my best"

Zayn: "and you're amazing, you juggle taking care of Delilah, Me, and working at the same time. Yeah it's not easy, but you do it."

Harry smiled as Zayn raised his head for a kiss.

They pressed their lips together in a passionate kiss before Harry pulled Zayn on top of him. His hands rested on Zayn's bare sides as Zayn straddled him.

Zayn cupped Harry's face and their lips collided, a little sloppier than before. But to their surprise a curly haired little girl was waiting at their door.

Delilah: "baba, can I sit on daddy's lap too?"

Zayn face palmed and slid off of Harry and covered his waist with the covers from being in just his briefs.

Zayn: "he's all yours"

Delilah ran up and jumped up onto Harry and he pulled her close.

Harry smiled over at Zayn who looked extremely embarrassed.

Harry: "how'd you sleep princess?"

Delilah: "good, I had a dream that I was fighting the bad guys with you daddy, while baby sister and baba were here"

Harry: "that sounds crazy!"

Delilah: "it was, baba when does baby sister come?"

Zayn: "a little more than 3 months"

Delilah: "is that a long time?"

Zayn: "no, it's quite soon actually"

Delilah: "yay!! are we gonna play together?"

Zayn: "yep"

Delilah: "I'm so excited to meet her"

Zayn smiled and took Delilahs hand before placing it over his stomach.

Zayn: "she's right in there"

Delilah: "how did she get in there?"

Harry: "well you see-"

Zayn: "magic del, that's how"

Harry smirked

Delilah: "oh, can I go play?"

Zayn: "sure, breakfast will be ready in an hour okay?"

She nodded before climbing back off the bed and running into her playroom down the hall.

Harry: "now, can we finish what we started"

Zayn: "the last two times we got intimate, Delilah walked in Harry...no more while she's here"

Harry's mouth fell agape.

Harry: "cock block"

Zayn: "quit, we just had sex last night"

Harry: "but now you're expecting me to wait until we're alone?"

Zayn: "you wanted kids babe, blame yourself"

Zayn smiled and kissed Harry's cheek before getting up and walking toward the bathroom.

Harry: "wait"

Zayn: "hmm?"

Harry: "put your hands behind your head and face me"

Zayn placed his arms behind his head and faced Harry in just his briefs.

Zayn: "what is it?"

Harry: "you look sexy as fuck"

Zayn rolled his eyes and walked back off to the bathroom

Zayn: "I love you"

Harry: "love you too"

Once they were both ready for the day, they went downstairs to make breakfast for the morning.

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