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Zayn was relived that Harry didn't notice the bump, and couldn't help but smile the rest of the night.

They dug in to Zayn's homemade pizza and spent the rest of the night catching up.

When it got dark, the girls had both fallen asleep in Delilahs bed, and the four dads took a break and watched a movie on the couch.

Harry: "anyone want a beer?"

Louis: "I'll take one!"

Niall: "me too please"

Zayn sucked in his breath, he couldn't drink. So he was gonna play it off as well as possible.

Harry: "babe?"

Zayn: "I'm okay"

Harry: "you sure?"

Zayn: "yeah, I've got water"

Harry nodded and brought the drinks back, cracking open his can and lifting his arm around Zayn, linking their hands over his shoulder.

Harry: "hey, you sure you feel okay?"

Zayn: "yeah, I promise. Beer just doesn't sound good to me right now"

Harry: "you'd tell me if something was up right?"

Zayn shook his head, although he felt extremely guilty. He couldn't wait to tell Harry about the baby.

They cuddled up on the couch as Louis and Niall did the same.

Zayn: "it feels nice to be in your arms again"

Harry smiled down at Zayn

Harry: "it feels nice to hold you baby"

Zayn: "Delilah missed you...a lot"

Harry: "you were both on my mind every day"

Zayn: "you never left's always so scary not knowing if you'll come back ya know?"

Harry: "mhm...there's nothing I can say to soothe that thought because it is scary, but it's what I do."

Zayn: "I know. I just question what I'd do if we lost you"

Harry: "let's change the subject cause this isn't what I wanna be discussing"

He placed a kiss on top of Zayn's head

Harry: "what'd you get me for Christmas?"

Zayn: "something you'll never expect"

Harry: "was it expensive"

Zayn: "I will be, in the future"

Harry: "what in the world? give me another hint"

Zayn: "no, I want you to be genuinely surprised"

Harry: "ugh."

Zayn: "what'd you get me?"

Harry: "I'm not telling you"

Zayn: "was yours expensive"

Harry: "we don't need to discuss that"

Zayn: "babe, I told you not to spend a lot of money on me"

Harry: "you deserve it baby. what would I be without you?"

Zayn: "a hot soldier that's single"

Harry: "and you'd be a sexy dad that's single, but thank god you're not"

Zayn chuckled and lifted his head for a kiss that Harry met him with.

Zayn: "are they gonna leave soon?"

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