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When the girls retreated to the living room, Zayn's hormones started acting up. He started to feel tears running down his cheeks.

Louis: "Z, what's wrong?"

Zayn: "guys, what if he's mad? what if he doesn't want another baby with me?"

Louis: "calm down, first of all, he's not gonna want another baby unless it's with you...and only you zayn. Second of all, he's talked to us about having another baby since the day Delilah was born. He's gonna be ecstatic."

Zayn: "do you think he'll notice my bump?"

Louis: "to be honest, you're not bulging at all right now...he won't notice a thing"

Zayn: "thank god"

After another cup of coffee Zayn decided it was time to leave. Delilah begged her dad and her uncles to stay the night and have a sleepover and zayn wasn't surprised when they volunteered to keep them over night.

Niall: "we'll be over tomorrow for Harry's coming home anyway, so we'll just bring her with us"

Zayn: "you sure?"

Niall: "mhm, go get some rest and clean up the house for tomorrow."

Zayn: "alright, Delilah come tell baba goodnight"

Delilah: "baba, if you want me to come home I won't stay here"

Zayn: "no baby, go have fun. And when did you become so compassionate?"

She shrugged, not knowing what that word meant causing Zayn to giggle.

Delilah: "night baba, I love you"

Zayn: "I love you too sweet heart, I'll see you all tomorrow yeah?"

They all nodded

Zayn: "be good for your uncles please"

Louis: "she always is, huh Del?"

She smiled and focused her attention back on the cartoons that were blaring in the living room.

Zayn drove home in silence, going through all the possible outcomes for when Harry finally got the news.

He was excited. He was petrified. He was nervous. He didn't know what to feel, but he was over the moon that he'd made another baby with the love of his life. That's all.

When he'd gotten home, he was exhausted from the pregnancy and was able to fall right asleep. As time went on with Harry's deployment, he eased back into the routine, although it was much easier to fall asleep with him there.

Zayn fell asleep with the biggest smile on his face because his hero came home tomorrow, and he couldn't wait to feel his touch after 5 months of longing for it.

After a long, peaceful sleep, Zayn woke up to his phone ringing.

Harry: "did I wake you?"

Zayn rubbed his eyes, attempting to get all of the sleepiness to leave them.

Zayn: "mhm"

Harry: "sorry, just wanted to let you know that I'm about to get on the plane"

Zayn: "mmm, my cheeks hurt from smiling"

Harry: "I can't wait to kiss you babe."

Zayn: "me either, I have butterflies. It's like we're meeting for the first time or something"

Harry: "you always give me butterflies"

Zayn blushed so hard his cheeks were red

Harry: "alright sexy, I'll be home soon"

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