18| The Speech: Part 1

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I walk into the right-side door of the auditorium followed by Iman and Mama, while Baba finds us an open parking spot.

"You excited?" I ask Iman as she settles into her seat next to Mama on the edge of the third row from the top.

She nods with a smile, and I make my way to the front of the auditorium and climb up the short steps that lead backstage.

Ms. Miller is standing, giving out directions to a small group of students, while other students run around backstage getting equipment ready or practicing their speeches.

I reach down into the pocket of my navy blue dress, and feel around until my finger brushes against it. I'm about to pull it out until I feel a hand on my shoulder.

"Sky!" I exclaimed, as she pulls me into a tight hug.

"I'm not really supposed to be back here, but good luck! I know you'll do great."

"Thanks!" I smile, as Sky quickly dashes out of sight. I turn around to face the commotion that's going on around me, and see Morgan, Latonya, and a large group of some others who I assume are others running for the different Councils.

I hesitate for a brief moment, then begin to walk toward them.

"Hi..." I mumble softly, sounds barley emerging from my mouth.

"Look! It's my opponent!" sneers Morgan. "The one who promised to not get in our way. And look what she does, the exact opposite!"

I face is suddenly a bright, tomato red, and I finally realize what I did. "I didn't know... I didn't realize this is what you meant!" I say.

"It's too late to apologize now anyway, you-"

"I can list all the adjectives that describe her too, Morgan! Just get to your point before you two have to go onstage!" Latonya said, leaning against a stack of nearby boxes.

Morgan expression changed for spilt second, a look of bewilderment on her face. But it was soon back to what it was before, and she looked back at me. "We'll just have to see who wins!"

I instantly regret ever coming, and began to walk away, expecting Latonya to join in and say something horrible, when she bursts, "Where are you going?"

I don't reply, and continue walking, trying to find someone I can ask where I'm supposed to me.

"Unless your a teacher, or your helping set up the stage, I think your supposed to stand with the rest of us.", she says again.

I freeze, not knowing where to go or what to say anymore. I slowly turn around and walk towards them, "Leave me alone ok?"

"We're helping you, ok?" Morgan rolls her eyes, still angry.

I realize she's right, so I nod, though I did have to resist a small impulse to slap her. Then, I wait till they start talking to each other again, and begin to pull out the thing from my pocket.

Ms. Miller, accompanied by a teach whom I don't know walks up to us. "Senior Secretaries, get on out there."

A group of three students begin to walk out onto the stage and I hear the audience settle down.

After the Sophomores are all done, Ms. Miller glances at me and Morgan. We both glance at each other, and Morgan's face burns with fury as she looks into my eyes.

As we step onto the stage, I have a glance out onto the audience, I see my family, I see Sky, but I'm still looking for someone when the teacher I didn't know steps out onto the stage with her microphone asks Morgan and I to each stand in front of one of the two microphones that are standing on each side of the stage.

"Morgan Myers and Samira Ahmad, our two candidates for Sophomore Treasurer!" Her voice booms through the microphone. "Now, before we start, I have been asked by a large number of students to ask you two a quick question before we start."

She hadn't done this with any of the other grades or positions, but my glance at Morgan's smirk was all I needed to figure it out.

"Now ladies," she boomed. "What made you want to run for Treasury specifically? And uh... the students would like it if Samira Ahmad answered first."

I felt all eyes turn to me, and slowly opened my mouth to speak. "I... well, I wanted to run for Treasury because I had a feeling I would not be able to read or write fast enough for Secretary, and I was not ready yet for Vice President or President. I also have a strength with numbers and math, and I really do want to make a difference at this school."

I looked over at the teacher and Morgan, who were both nodding, but Morgan was still smirking.

"Ok, thank you Miss Ahmad. Miss Myers?"

Morgan's smirk vanished, and she suddenly looked so professional. "I decided to run for Treasury because I know that the Freshmans and Sophomores have been known to waste their fundraiser money on things like school events, and I know that I can make sure that doesn't happen. I will portion the money out so that students will have fun events, but I will also keep money for other more important things."

The teacher smiled, "Ok, now, Morgan would you like to begin your actual speech?"

"Yes," Morgan smiled.

Ok guys!I can't really promise weekly updates, but this new version made me really pumped! I'm going to try and update Part 2 before the end of the month, so vote and comment so I know you guys are still reading! Thank you so much!

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Ok guys!
I can't really promise weekly updates, but this new version made me really pumped! I'm going to try and update Part 2 before the end of the month, so vote and comment so I know you guys are still reading! Thank you so much!

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