12| Cruising

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Iman walked in to the living room, wearing giant headphones. I looked at her with wide eyes.

"I'm listening to a really popular podcast called 'Cruising'" she explained.

"Is it good?" I asked.

"I am not sure about that," she replied. "But I think you should listen to it. It is about cruising through life's problems."

I chuckled, "Iman, I don't think a podcast will help."

"Your loss, Samira. And if you change your mind-"

"I won't change my mind, Iman."

She shrugged, then left the room.

I didn't want Iman to think I was struggling, or needed help. I didn't want her to try and help me, she was too young to truly understand what was happening to me. She was too young to truly realize that she wouldn't always meet nice people in life.

Samira?" a shaky voice asked.

"Yes, Mama," a replied.

Mama sighed, "You haven't been to your English class in a while."

"I know Mama, I'm just..."

"Just what? Do you need anything? Are you okay? Is it school?"

Her last question left me feeling... disappointed. I knew Mama just wanted to help, but I didn't want to bring it up.

I shook my head, "No Mama, it's not... it's just... I've got a lot going on right now, and anyway, I'm already learning English in school."

Mama nodded, then headed off to the kitchen.

I grabbed my school bag and opened the front door, then began to walk down the stairs of our apartment complex.

I arrived at the first floor and opened one of the large double doors leading outside to the bus stop.

Before I could even step outside, a strange, unfamiliar voice called my name. "Samira,"

But what caught attention wasn't the shy voice, it was the way they said my name. They said it perfectly.

I spun around, and a tall, dark-haired boy stood a few yards away.

He sighed, "Look, I know I'm not supposed to be talking to you, but..."

"But what?" I asked.

"I'm Mohammed. Mohammed Rafiq," he flashed a smile.

He said it perfectly, and what surprised me the most was how American his voice sounded, yet how Arabic it was when he said an Arabic name. I wished I had that kind of voice, my accent only gave Latonya and Morgan another reason to pick on me, though thankfully they hadn't pointed it out yet, since one of their friends that just agrees with everything Latonya and Morgan say also has an accent, though it's not an Arabic accent. Sky said that it was a Southern accent, so apparently Morgan's friend was from Texas before moving to Lansing.

"Samira. But you already know that." I replied. I knew he was trying to change the subject, but honestly, I didn't mind it.

"Yeah, word travels around Lansing Hills High pretty fast."

I had so many questions to ask this... Mohammed. "So you go to Lansing Hills?"

His grin was beginning to slightly fade as he answered, "Yeah, sadly..."

"How come I've never even seen you before?" I blurted out.

He reached for the back of his neck, then replied, "Well, I'm not really in your grade... but I swear I've seen you before..."

"I need to go or I will miss the bus. I'll... talk to you later?" I added quickly.

The truth was, I didn't really need to catch the bus, I'd stopped riding for a while now. But I just... well, I don't why I lied, but all I knew was I felt a sick feeling in my stomach, and I instantly regretted lying.

He raised an eyebrow, probably trying to figure out if my terrible accent was on purpose or not. He quickly changed his expression to a soft smile, "Okay, but um... I heard..."

I forced myself to meet his eyes, and he gave a soft smile before continuing, "Don't quit running for the Council, ok? It would be nice to see someone like us up there again."


I cruised through most of the day like any other, happy that Latonya and Morgan found better things to do than bother me.

Until Geometry.

I sat down in my seat in the front of class, and pulled out my five subject geometry notebook and a pencil.

"Class," Mr. Glover's voice spoke. "Start working on page one thousand and one in the green textbook."

I bent over to grab the green textbook as he said, but apparently he hadn't finished talking. "Except for one."

I slowly sat up and watched him with wide eyes and Mr. Glover examined the class. Who was the one lucky person to get excused from this assignment?

"Miss Ahmad, we need to speak."

My heart dropped. What? I would've been jumping up and down out of my seat if it hadn't been for the way he said it. And the words he used to say it.

I stood up and slowly followed Mr. Glover outside the classroom. "What is wrong?" I asked.

"Miss Ahmad, I expected better of you."

He was slowly killing me with suspense. I didn't remember doing anything wrong, and I was beginning to sweat.

"Did you help Sky LaSalvatore cheat on her assignment?"

My eyes widened. "What? Never!" I snapped.

"Well, I've heard the opposite, and you have already been issued an early morning detention tomorrow."

I knew better than to talk back, but I wasn't about to be blamed for something I didn't even do. "Was it your daughter the librarian?"

Mr. Glover stepped back. "W-why yes, she saw you,"

"Mr. Glover I was only helping Sky." I pleaded.

"I'm sorry but you've already been issued the detention."

I sighed, and headed into the classroom. But I still had one more question. "What time is detention at?"

"You should be at school at around six thirty."

I nodded and sat down at my desk. The other students were staring at me in a strange way, and one behind me even whispered, "What happened?"

I turned around, and put my finger to my lips, signaling silence. The kid crossed his arms and leaned back, making himself seem like a pouty child. The other kids continued to glare, until a voice spoke up.

"What's the big deal? Mr. Glover needed to talk to her, it's not like she just brought in a pet unicorn."

I spun around to see who said it, and a familiar face smiled. I gasped. No! It can't be...


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