Bonus Chapter

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The warm sun soaked my skin as I sat down on the spiky grass. Asking Mama for her bag, I pulled out the book that I'd been long waiting to read.

Safa Park was the perfect place to relax on a weekend. You could see green grass everywhere, so there was hardly any sand around the area. Other plants flourished in the nice weather, and everyone seemed perfectly content.

Baba sighed, "You know, I heard in America, they have maybe hundreds of parks like this."

"Really?" both Iman and I asked at the same time. He nodded.

Mama lays out a sort of picnic blanket, and we both sit down. Opening up the book to where I left off, I begin to silently read.

"Hey! Baba! I bet you can't catch me!"

"Iman!" Baba groans, and takes off after the eight-year-old.

I laugh under my breath, and resume reading.

A young woman leaves her home and sets off an adventure, traveling to each continent and seeing the world. She meets new friends, learns about new cultures, and gets to eat awesome foods like the Japanese yakitori, or skewered chicken.

One of my friends at school told us about the time her cousin's family went to Japan for a vacation. We had all oohed and aahed over the descriptions of the islands. She had also said that her cousins lived in America, and that made everyone even more curious.

But America never really seemed all that fascinating to me, I'd seen photos and movies, and read some books about it. From what I saw, it wasn't all that different from Dubai. But of course, people spoke a different language, ate different foods, and did things differently. But still.

I set my book down and looked over at Mama. She sat still, one hand on her knee. She seemed peaceful; but then she noticed me staring.

I smiled, then quickly picked my book back up.

"Where did the lady in your book go again, Samira?" she asked softly.

"She went everywhere!" I exclaimed. "Why?"

Mama looked upset now. I turned my attention back to the book again, hoping she might forget my question, or whatever upset her.


"Yes, Mama?"

She hesitates. "Nevermind, you can continue reading."

I want to ask her, "What is it Mama?" or "Is everything okay?" but I don't. I just stare at the black and white pages of my book, noting reading a single word.

After a few moments of silence, I inform Mama, "Jocelyn, the lady in the book, has just left the continent of Asia, and is heading next for Africa, where she'll visit a total of six countries. Then she will decide between visit North or South America first. After those two, she will go back to England and tell her family and friends of her travels."

Regret fills me up instantly after seeing Mama's face. I blurt it out before I can stop myself, "Mama what's wrong?"

She sighs, "Your father had a job offer in the U.S. and he's strongly considering it. If he accepts it, we may have to move there anytime starting in three months. But we also may not have to move for another two to three years."

The book almost drops out of my hand. Move? To the U.S? America?

"For now, just be prepared." Mama finished off.

I nod slowly, and try to enjoy Safa Park for a moment. The sun still shone brightly, and I wondered if America really did have parks like these.

A huge part of me hoped and prayed that we didn't have to go for another three years, maybe more. Maybe Baba will decide not to take the job, and we'll get to stay here.

But another part of me wanted to go. I'd never been anywhere outside the UAE the entire eleven years of my life. I could be like Jocelyn, and see the world, then tell all my friends about it. I could also see whether America really was special, or if it was just a English speaking version of Dubai.

Thank you all for being so patient, and I'm sorry it took so long to write this. Hopefully some VERY confusing plot points have been cleared up, and you enjoying reading this bonus chapter!

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