Chapter Thirty Five

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I kicked a pebble down the road, watching as it skipped a few metres before stumbling down in a drain. The sun on the horizon was beginning to set behind us, and I could feel the remainder of it's warm rays tickling the back of my neck.

Archer and I had been walking around town for a while now whilst he gave me an official tour. As we went along he pointed out various people's houses and useless landmarks and the funny stories that went with each of them. He told me that the town was a mixture of werewolves and humans, as Archer's pack after the attack wasn't big enough to just support themselves.

It was nice to touch normalcy. Although I knew this wasn't my town, listening to Archer talk about it, the proud tone he used, made me feel like I had known it for years.

"It's so hot." I gasped, the feeling of my clothes like a second layer that was stuck to me.

"Do you want to get something to drink?" he looked down at me, seemingly not affected by the heat at all.

"Yeah" My eyes got caught on the bright pink neon sign down the road, a smile tugging at my lips. "from there" I said as I pointed the familiar bar.

"We are not going to B J's." The clarity of 'no' in his voice told me that it was out of the question.

"You just asked if I wanted something to drink." I said folding my arms.

"Not from there." The seriousness in his voice usually would be enough to make me shut up. But considering the fact that we had just driven here on my worst nightmare, I think I deserved to win this one.

"You seemed to like going there before you met me." I said accusingly.

"I am not taking you in there with those creeps with their eyes all over you." He practically growled. I could see he was trying to retain himself at the thought.

"I just want to see Erin, I feel bad for not saying goodbye properly" I pouted up at him. "It's early so hardly anyone will be there yet. We won't even have to stay that long"

He sighed pinching the bridge of his nose. "You have to stay glued to my side" I nodded smiling, knowing that I had already won him over. "If any one so much as looks at you the wrong way we're out of there."

I grabbed his hand and began pulling him down the street towards the bar. I was excited to see Erin, as hadn't seen her in over two weeks. Two seconds with her, and I knew her personality could make anyones mood feel better. Not to mention I was dying out here in the heat.

We reached the door, and was about to pull it open, but I was yanked back into Archer. "Glued to my side." He repeated, wrapping his arm around my waist. The action had a small smile tugging at my lips.

As we walked in the smell of aged leather seats and beer filled my nose, and the years of working in bars came back to me. Instantly, Archer's grip on me got tighter as he guided us towards the bar.

A squeal wrung out clearly over the music. I snapped my head in the direction that it came from to instantly see a flurry of blonde curls bouncing our way. A hand with neon pink painted nails reached out and practically snatched from Archer's grip and smushed me into a hug.

"Where in hell have you been!" Erin all but yelled in my ear, whilst shaking me around in her arms. It's funny, because if someone had done this to me a month ago, I would have snapped their neck.

Erin finally let me go enough for Archer to manage to bring me back to the safety of his arms. I felt him relax behind me, like that brief moment of me not being beside him annoyed him.

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