Chapter Thirteen

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The clock beside me finally turned three. The luminescent numbers providing the only light in the room. I pulled back the covers, my feet hitting the carpet gently.

Creaking the door open, I checked left and right for signs that Archer might still be up. The halls remained quiet, no sign of movement anywhere.

My heart thudding in my chest seemed to be the only sound, the pounding in my ears. Suddenly I doubted whether I should be doing this now or not. What if I was caught? Archer was lenient last time, but he might decide to punish me if he caught me again.

I stopped taking a deep breath.

I reminded myself that I was strong, stronger than any human man anyway. I couldn't let fear override me, if not I'd end up a bawling mess on the floor as soon as I'd been confronted.

I know that I could do this, I'd escaped before. I could do it again.

I find the stairs that Archer took me down earlier today, quickly making my way down them with as little noise as possible. Ahead of me I can see the double door windows. It spikes excitement in my stomach, I was almost there.

I can't help the smile the crosses onto my face as run towards them, grasping the handle in my hand. Hope curls in my stomach, winding up into my chest. I was getting out of here.

"What are you doing?" I freeze at the sound of a gruff voice behind me. I spin around, shocked to see Archer behind me. How did I not even hear him?

His eyes flick to my hand, which is still wrapped around the door handle. An unreadable emotions flickers across his face before it's gone and he's clenching his jaw in anger.

I narrow my eyes, knowing that I was wasting time. I yank the door open and take my chance as I burst into a sprint. Adrenaline pumps through me as I make a run across the garden.

I can hear Archer running behind me, struggling to catch me. Without silver to wear me down, my abilities were back in full force. I couldn't help the small smile that graced my lips at the free feeling.

But the smile is wiped off my face when the wind is knocked out of my lungs as a body crashes into mine full force. I roll on the floor trying to catch my breath, whilst also watching Archer stand up in front of me.

He dusts off his trousers, leaning down and stretching out a hand to help me up.

I shake my head slightly in annoyance. I didn't want to do this, but now it looks like I don't have a choice.

I snatch his hand, yanking it forward with inhuman strength. Not expecting my enhanced strength he tumbles forward hitting the ground beside me. He grunts from the impact, whilst I spring to my feet and continue on running.

I turn down towards the drive, past a few cars. I barely take them in, zipping past them quickly.

I almost roll my eyes as I hear Archer coming again. Will he not quit?

Hearing him approach, I turn, catching his outstretched hand. Shock flashes over his face at my reactions. I don't hesitate to swing my fist to his face, rewarded with a sickening crunch from his nose.

I'm surprised that it doesn't give me the normal sense of satisfaction that I usually get when I land a good punch. I instead feel slightly guilty but brush it off.

"Ouch" he mutters swiping away blood with his free hand. I don't give him time to recover, kicking hard in the chest sending him flying backwards.

He stumbles but manages to stay up right. "Enough" His voice is low and guttural, anger plain in his word. He looks up, a new determination in his eyes that flash amber.

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