Chapter Forth Three

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The incessant sound of slurping and crunching, with the occasional sound of grunting was all that could be heard in the otherwise silent room. The disgusting noises had my fists clenching, the urge bash his head into the wall growing at an alarming rate.

We sat around watching as the vile creature scoff as much food as he possibly could down his gullet. He was barely chewing it, his eyes never leaving the task at hand, completely unaware of the tense atmosphere around him.

Leah sat beside him, her eyes wide as saucers, her body leaning into him. Ever since that door to the cell had open, it was like she was in a trance, unable to acknowledge anything around her. It was like her body was in a state of shock.

Jake sat tensely beside me, his muscles tenser then mine as he glared daggers into the stranger. If looks could kill, he would be ten feet under. His jaw was so tightly clenched, that I wouldn't be surprised if his teeth shattered. It was clear that he wasn't taking the current situation very well, as he looked like he was about to lunge at him any second.

Althea stood silent in the corner, leaning against the wall with her arms crossed. If it wasn't for the fact that I hadn't taken my eyes off her for a second, I wouldn't have realised she there. Her emerald eyes observed  the stranger with precision, like she was trying to analyse his every move. Not once did they flicker over to me, not even for a second.

"Did your parents not tell you all it was rude to stare." The voice of the stranger sliced through the silence, snapping us all out of the intense trance we were in. He looked up for second his lips turning into a grin, as though the uncomfortable atmosphere was funny to him.

"How long until he leaves" Jake grumbled.

"That's welcoming" the stranger went back to his food.

"He's not leaving." Leah snapped barring her teeth, her wolf jumping out. Jake clenched his jaw lying back into the sofa with a humph.

"We don't even know who this guy is" Jake waved hand towards him in an exasperated manner.

"I have a name" he still didn't look up from his food.

"Care to share?"

"No" he lifted the bowl to his mouth, guzzling the rest of its contents down his throat. Jake threw his hands up in annoyance.

"Archer come on, he attacked Althea only yesterday and now you're ok with him in the house."

My eyes went back to Alethea who was already staring back at me. She knew I didn't want this freak on my land, let alone in my house. She also knew that if he went, she would leave, and that I had no other choice but to let him stay.

"He's not an animal!" Leah barked. The strangers grin widened, his hand resting on Leah thigh approvingly. Jake barred his teeth, which neither of them payed attention to as the got locked in each other's gaze.

"He's not even a wolf!" Jake yelled, standing up.

"Neither am I" Althea said calmly, unbothered by the way Jake looked like he was about to tear someone apart.

"He stays." I said, recognising that there was no other choice.

"Are you serious!" Jake looked at me bewildered. When he saw that there was no trace of joking on my face, he growled in frustration. "When this all blows up in our faces, don't blame me." He rushed out the room, his chest swollen with rage, probably trying to leave before he shifted.

"I like your brother" he spoke to Leah, disregarding everyone else in the room. "He looks like a puffer fish when he is angry."

Leah laughed a little, but it seemed like she could only muster a giggle before being distracted with looking at the stranger. Supposedly they were mates, and by the way Leah had been acting it was pretty clear it was true. A fact that Jake was not fond of.

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