Chapter 3

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SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG TO UPDATE!!!! (ima slacker;)

Chapter 3:


“Ah, Tyler,” Mr. Ross says as I walk through the door. “Welcome to eleventh grade Algebra with trig!! Take a seat anywhere.” He says and then turns back to the white board. That is the only thing I hate about going to a small school; no smart-boards. In Maine, every single room had at least five computers and a smart-board. Oh well.

I quickly look around for a seat. Let’s see; in the back, there was an open seat next to a boy who looked like he was high. Then across the aisle from him, there was a girl with her glasses about to fall off her nose and her hair in two pigtails. Just as I’m about to go sit by her, Em calls my name. She saved me a seat!!

“Here!” she says

“Thanks! You saved me from book worm.” I say with a smile.

We both look over at the girl and see her pick up her second book. Em just laughed and then started to copy down the notes off the board. She always was worried about getting in trouble or failing.

I lean over and say “How did your science final go?”

“Great!! I knew every single question!! And I was the first one done!!”

“I knew you’d do good.” I say. It was true; Emma was the smartest person I know.

“Mr. Phillips, Miss Monroe.” Uh oh, it was the teacher. “Miss Monroe, this is unusual behavior from you. Now young man, I realize it’s your first day, but I will not have you interrupting my class. Understood?”

Emma nodded and turned tomato red.

“Sure.” I mumble and start to write. Well, I’m off to a good start.


Thank goodness for the bell.

“You got me in trouble, you jerk!” Em pushes me, laughing.

“Oh, like you’ve never gotten in trouble.” I say teasing back.

“I haven’t! Until now!”


“NO!” all of the playfulness in her voice was gone.

“I’m sorry, Em. I didn’t mean to upset you. Please forgive me-”

“Gotcha!!!” she pushes me into the locker and runs down the hall to history. Wow, I should’ve seen that one coming. Oh well.


Today has been a terrific day; first, Tyler comes over for breakfast like he always used to and then he dove to school. Then I pulled the best prank on him! I can’t believe he didn’t remember; I used to do that all the time! I was so happy to have him back; it just wasn’t the same without him.

After running away from him to history, I started to think. Why was it that every time when I caught him staring at me, he blushed and quickly looked away? Or why did he feel so bad about getting me in trouble? He never cared before.

“Em!” Sarah breaks my thoughts.

“What? Sarah what’s up?”

“OMG!!! Tyler is in love with you!!!! He is and I can prove it!!”

“You’re full of bull-crap Sarah you know it?” She was such a liar. Tyler didn’t like me.

“Look! I recorded it on my phone!” she pulls out her iphone.

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