Hey little buddy...

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Day 3 in Argo

Today, they didn't have to wake up early. As usual they ate together breakfast, but this time in Alura's house. Baby Jon was really active and happy today. He kept on clapping his hands when Lois or Clark fed him food. "Looks like Jon is just like his aunt. A food lover." Said Clark. Everyone on the table laughed, even Kara. They finished breakfast and Kara used her powers to clean up and later went to her house to get changed. She noticed Lena was showering so, she got into her closet and chose something to wear. She wore simple pants and a white shirt with her family crest on it. While waiting she sat on the bed and read her dad's science journals. The Luthor walked out of the bathroom naked to...tease her girlfriend a bit and it was working. Kara didn't take her eyes of the green eyed beauty, she kept on looking her, even while getting dressed.

Lena chose a green dress from Kara. The Super just couldn't take her eyes off of her. "You look stunning babe." She said while awing. She kissed her with love and soon got into a heated make out session, but they had to stop. "We can continue this tonight." Smirked the Luthor and left Kara pouting. Lena left the room and went into another by accident and Kara followed her. She suddenly landed in a study. "Kara do you work here?"

Kara looked down on the floor. "Well sometimes, I need to get work done here, so I made a study. The books on the shelve's are from my father or well...from stores on Krypton and earth." Lena was stunned and looked around. She then noticed a small table that had...chess pieces in it. "Kara since when is there chess here?" She raised an eyebrow.

"My mother wanted to learn about earth, after she left her first visit. Then I came back here and brought few things from earth and thought her how to play chess." The Luthor went to kiss her girlfriend and both smiled after. "This is the most beautiful study I've seen. Do you want to organize your office in CatCo like this?" Asked the Luthor. Kara was thinking. "Well we can organize it like this, just make sure it doesn't have any Kryptonian things and the table should not be hovering." She said in a serious tone. They played a game of chess together and Lena was impressed how good Kara is, but at the end she won anyway. "I must say love, you are really are good in chess. You are the most difficult opponent I've had." She have a quick peck on the lips.

"Hey babe, there is a market in the park today. You wanna go visit?" Asked Kara. "I'm sure you will love it because you can also buy some parts from the technology we have here." With that Lena nodded enthusiastically and literally pulled Kara out of her house. The Super was just giggling at her girlfriends reaction and intertwined their hands.

They arrived at the park and surprisingly Lois and Clark were there with a sleeping baby Jon. "Hey guys." Said Lena. "Someone looks knocked out." Commented Kara as she pointed to her nephew. "Hey. Yeah he was squealing and clapping his hands nonstop and got tired." Said Lois while she chuckled. They looked around and Lena bought a few stuff she could use for L-Corp.  Kara bought a few books and a Krytponian sword. The Luthor got tired so she sat on the bench looking at her girlfriend. Kara was buying food from stand because both got hungry. Clark and Lois went back to their house because Jonathan was sleeping.

While waiting for Kara she felt something hit her leg. The Luthor yelped at first and looked down and was met with a cute white puppy. "Hey little buddy." She said in a sothing voice. Lena patted her lap and the dog jumped on her and made himself comfortable on her lap."You just remind me of my girlfriend." Chuckled Lena. The dog had beautiful, soft white fur and hazel eyes. She kept on petting the dog softly and he soon fell asleep. "Yup, you are really like Kara."

Few minutes later Kara got back and saw the white dog on her girlfriends lap. "I-is that a dog on Lena Luthor?" She asked. "Yes love, a Krypyonian dog is sleeping on my lap." Within a second Kara sat next to her and touched the dog softly. It woke up and licked both of their faces and barked happily. "Babe...can we keep it? Please?" Kara was making her puppy eyes and the dog too. Lena couldn't stand it and gave up. "Yes we can have him."

The Super squealed. "Heard that buddy you are coming with us. Wait, what should we name him?" The Luthor was awing at her girlfriend's reaction and was thinking of a name. "What do you think about...Krypto?" The blonde smile and picked up the dog and gave a kiss to Lena. "It's perfect."

They went into a store to buy a leash and few dog necessities. Later they went home, with their big bags after their shopping spree and a new member to the family. "Hey guys look at our new member!" Said Kara as she lifted the puppy up and it gave a happy bark.

"AWWWW..." Everyone said. Baby Jon was sitting on a couch and giggled when he saw the dog. Krypton went to him and gave him a soft lick. "What's his name?" Asked Alura. "His name is Krypto, Ieiu." The young Super said. "We named him like that because...well his a Kryptonian dog." Said the Luthor.

"It's a beautiful name." Lois said. Later Kara and Lena went to their house with Krypto. Right when Kara opened the door, Krypto ran inside and hopped on the couch. Both sat on the couch too and cuddled with Krypto. "Love do you think Krypto will have powers on earth?" Asked Lena with a bit of concern in her voice. "Yeah I think so, but no need to worry. I can train him to control them." Lena was happy with that reply and kissed Kara. An hour has passed and the Super put her new stuff around the house and Lena was putting those new technology parts in the ship so they don't have to worry about them anymore. Krypto was eating happily in the kitchen and soon went to their owners bedroom and slept on his tiny bed, that Kara bought. After a few minutes they took a rest on the couch. Lena noticed a painting that looks really familiar. "Darling is that National city from up?" She was surprised. The blonde smiled and nodded. "Yeah, that's the view I see when I fly. I got bored once so I chose to paint it."

"Seriously Kara, how many hidden talents do you have?" The question made both of them laugh. "I like to surprise people." Said Kara. Both were talking for a bit, kissing and cuddling till Kara's stomach growled. "Someones hungry." Commented the Luthor and pecked Kara's cheeks. "Midnight snack?" Asked the Super. Lena chuckled "Yes, I would love to." In a second Kara used her superspeed to make a plate full of Kryptonian fruits. As a response Lena gasped. "I never thought I would see a day Kara Zor-El Danvers making something healthy." They were laughing till they saw a small puppy run to them totally awake and jumped on Lena. "I like the fruits more on Krypton than on earth. I mean who can't like them, even Krypto showed his answer." All three started to eat, enjoying the food. Soon they got tired and chose to sleep. Kara and Lena got into their pj's and cuddled on the bed with Krypto. They actually planned on doing something else, but since Krypto was with them, they chose to do it another time.

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