I told you how much it hurt

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At L-Corp 2:30 am

Lena was sitting on her desk drinking fine scotch. She was hurt und betrayed by her only true friend, well she thought they were friends. For almost 3 years Kara Danvers was lying to her about her real identity. Her brothers few last words, Lex Luthor, were flashing through her mind.

"Kara Danvers is Supergirl."

She was thinking: 'Why did she lie to me? Why did she keep it from me? Why doesn't she trust me? Is it because I am a Luthor?'

She hadn't talked to anyone since the day she found out. The CEO gave a chance to the heroine to come clean to her, but she didn't do it. That was enough proof for her that her best friend didn't trust her enough and it hurt her to her core. Apparently she drank till she felt numb and eventually passed out.

The next day her assistant, Jess, came into her office and laid her a glass of water and advil. "Miss Luthor you should take a day off. You've been working your ass of for the past few weeks." Lena finally woke up with a terrible headache. "Huh? Jess what time is it?"

"It's 10am and I canceled all meetings for you for the next 3 days. you need to take a rest. No offense Miss Luthor but you don't look in good shape, so please take a break." The Luthor was thinking if she should argue back, but Jess was right she needs a break. "Fine, I will take some rest and Jess." Lena sighed in defeat. "Thank you and yes?" The assistant asked. kinda relieved that she was able to convince her boss. "You deserve a raise and thank you for being such a great assistant. Please send an email to all employees to take an off, including you Jess. and also please call me Lena, you earned it." Jess stood there frozen. She too was lucky to have such a great boss. "Thank you Miss Lu- I mean Lena and yes will do!" The CEO stood up and took her purse and walked to the elevator.

She just landed to her parking lot where her driver was already waiting. "It's good to see you Miss Luthor, where would you like to go?" Said her driver, David, nicely. Lena was choosing if she should go home or see Kara. "I would like to go home, I wasn't there for a few days. And David please call me Lena. You have become like a father to me and you deserve to call me by my first name." David wore a smile on his face and just nodded. The CEO entered the car and David started to drive. It was quiet for a moment till David asked: "Lena may I give you some advice?" She raised a brow and wondered what kind of advice would be needed right now. "S-sure, what is it?" Answered Lena worried. "This is really no offense, but you don't look like you're in a good state. Whatever is happening, talk about it with someone. Never bottle up your feelings, because, believe me I did the same mistake and it killed me in the inside. If a person is behind the problem it is best if you talk to them about the problem. You will never know maybe they have a good reason to." Said the driver wisely. The Luthor just thought in silence, till she finally spoke: "Thanks David, really appreciate it." She answered with a smile, hiding the pain and anger. David smiled softly. "We are here Lena."

The CEO got out and thanked her driver again. As she went into the lobby, then the elevator and later to her apartment, she just walked into her bedroom and plopped on her bed. Not caring while she still had her work clothes on.

At the DEO

Supergirl just stopped 2 robberies, a fire and 3 rogue aliens. "What a busy day!" Said the heroine frustrated. "Good job Supergirl! You may now return to CatCo." Said her sister Alex Danvers. "Really Alex? What am I? Some soldier to command 24/7?" Said Kara sarcastically. "Haha very funny Kara, now go we still have to celebrate tonight for the Pulitzer prize. I'm so proud of you!" Answered the Director happy. "Yeah...Oh right gotta go. Still need to finish that article...Haha." Said the Kryptonian awkwardly,  slowly skipping away. Kara flew off and landed in an alley near CatCo. While she quickly changed to Kara Danvers, she was thinking of Lena. She was sad that her best friend didn't come to her nomination as she got the Pulitzer prize and she has also noticed that they didn't talk for a long time.

Few hours later

The day flew by pretty fast and Kara got the night off as Supergirl, because Dreamer insisted to fight crime tonight. Sadly though the party couldn't happen because everybody got caught into work and Kara also postponed it. She was sitting on her couch watching a movie and eating potstickers. The heroine just wanted to be alone tonight. Her thoughts always went back to the Luthor and why she seemed off. Kara finally stood up and flew to the CEO's apartment. On the way she was thinking: 'I should tell her, I can't take it anymore. She needs to know.'

As the Kryptonian landed softly on the balcony, she saw the CEO. It didn't take long till Lena noticed, but she ignored Kara. Finally the heroine opened the door and got into the apartment. "What do you want Supergirl, or should I say Kara? Whatever your real name is." Said the Luthor coldly, spitting out the name like venom was laced around it...As if she were totally disgusted. Supergirl just stood there frozen. Silence was in the room till she finally spoke: "H-How long have you known?" Fear, panic and worry evident in Kara's voice. "The day I shot my psychopathic brother. He spoiled me the news." Said Lena venom in her voice.

Kara felt tears build up in her eyes, knowing she has hurt Lena. "Why didn't you come to me, so I can expl-." But Kara was never able to finish her sentence, when Lena just screamed: "NO, NO! THERE IS NO NEED FOR YOUR EXPLANATION! I GAVE YOU THE CHANCE TO COME CLEAN BUT YOU DIDN'T. YOU GAVE ME PROOF THAT YOU NEVER TRUSTED ME AND THAT YOU LIED TO ME THE WOHLE TIME. THERE WASN'T A SINGLE TRUE MOMENT IN OUR FRIENDSHIP YOU LIAR!" The CEO just broke in anger, as also tears filled her green beautiful eyes. "No Lena that is not true, I-." Said the Kryptonian ,as tears ran down her cheeks, desperately trying to better the situation. 

Lena spoke again not giving Kara the chance to speak: "I shared with you secrets that I never told to anyone. I told you so many times how much it hurt me, to be betrayed by people that mean the most to me. Few years back when I came to National City...I-I promised myself to not make any friends, but then I met you. With your bright smile my walls came down and opened up to you, but apparently that was a mistake." The CEO said, as anger and coldness filled her voice. Then she said "You never told me because I'm a Luthor."  Kara finally spoke and almost yelled: "No! It was never because you were a Luthor. I am not that person who judges people by their names. I kept it to-." But Lena was tired of hearing Kara's excuses. "GET OUT AND I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN. GET OUT NOW!" Shouted Lena, with so much anger and pain lanced in the words. Kara just stood there and nodded, tears streaming down her cheeks making era vision blurry. She went to the balcony, till she stopped and said: "I didn't tell you because I love you, Lena Luthor." Then she flew off...

At Kara's apartment

Kara landed in her apartment. It was all dark and she can remember exactly she left the lights on. Right went she stepped foot inside her loft, the lights went on. "Surprise!" yelled all of her friends, but they stopped when they saw a shocked Kara, with red eyes as she were crying for days. "Hey Kara what happened?" Asked J'onn. Alex saw the tension that Kara had and told everyone to leave. Then she told J'onn: "The party can wait, I will stay with Kara." As everybody left and Alex shut the door, she finally asked: "What happened Kara?" Kara was sobbing so hard that she just hugged her sister, till she answered: "She-She hates me. Le-Lena n-never wants to see me a-again." It was hard for her to speak, while sobbing till her throat ached. "Oh lil sis, just give her some time. It may not be now, but she will come along." Said the older Danvers softly. After the hard sobbing the Kryptonian eventually fell asleep in sister's arms.

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