I understand my rights

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At the police station
Oscar's POV

My wrists are cuffed to together, I place my elbows on the table and rest my head on my palms. "I'm tired" I think to myself as I close my eyes. The room is cold, my side and arm are throbbing in pain from getting shot and stabbed. My whole body aches actually, from running and climbing.

What I wouldn't give to have V here right now. After long days, she'd lay me down, pour oil on my back, glide her small hands up my back, between my shoulder blades, grab my traps, alternate between the left and right squeezing them, then glide back down. I'd love to lay my head on her perky breasts as her nails gently scratch my bald head, and caress my arm.

The door swings open, interrupting my thoughts as I hear footsteps entering the room. I lean back on the chair and stare at the detective as he takes a seat. I look at him as he slides my criminal record across the desk. I look down at it and back at him.

"Spooky Spooky Spooky" Detective Ramirez repeats smiling

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"Spooky Spooky Spooky" Detective Ramirez repeats smiling. "You're in some deep shit" he says. I smirk and stay quiet. "From protector to murderer," he proceeds, "I remember that night at your girlfriend's house" he says. "You know she was here earlier," he continues. I furrow my brows. "She claimed 2 Santos went to the hospital to kill her". I snort, "is she ok?" Unaware the words were leaving my mouth. Fuck Oscar, don't talk.

Detective Ramirez smiles, "she's fine, we have security outside her room. You on the other hand" he pushes the folder closer to me. The second detective walks in. He sits on the chair next to Detective Ramirez. "Oscar, my name is Detective Lou, before we can begin I'm here to read you your rights" he says with a defeated tone. I nod. He reads the following:

Detective Lou, looks up at me

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Detective Lou, looks up at me. I lick my lips, "I understand my rights and I want a lawyer." The detectives leaned back knowing any questioning went out the window. "Sit tight for a minute Spooky, we'll be back" Detective Ramirez says getting up. "Do you want something to drink?" Detective Lou asks. "Water Thank You" he nods and smiles.

The detectives step outside the door, "polite S.O.B. isnt he?" Detective Lou says. Detective Ramirez nods, "he's a good guy, it's hard not to like him, he has 2 weaknesses his girl and his little brother, other than that, he's hard to break" he points out. "What do you want to do? we can't question him without an attorney present" Detective Lou asks. "It's only been about 2 hours, let him sit for a bit, see if we can bring in any other suspects that Spooky's presence may intimidate them to talking" Detective Ramirez says handing Detective Lou a bottle water. "You think there's more?" he asks. Detective Ramirez nods, "this isn't a movie, no matter how good of a shot you are, you couldn't kill all of those people alone." Detective Lou nods and heads into the interrogation room.

Oscar's POV

Detective Lou walks in, hands me the bottle and sits across from me. I look at him raising my brow drinking from my bottle. "Are you ok?" he asks pointing to my arm. I glance at it and nod. "You know if you need medical attention we can provide it" he reminds. I nod and sit in silence playing with the bottle cap.

"Is your little brother at home? Do you want me to send an officer to go check on him" He says, acting concerned. My eyes dart to him. "We know Cuchillos is dead, I can't imagine the repercussions that might have on him". This fool's good. I'm not going to fall for that good cop routine. I trust my day one's, especially Mando.

"I mean if they were willing to go after your girl at the hospital, aren't you concerned about your brother?" he insists. I swallow hard. He's right though. If they were more loyal to Cuchillos than me, they might retaliate. "We can have an officer go over, look around?" Consent to search my house that's what you want. You're looking for my gun. I smirk. "I'd like to talk to my lawyer" I repeat. Detective Lou nods and walks out.

40 minutes later

Detective Ramirez walks in, "stand up" he says authoritatively. I reluctantly obey. "Oscar Diaz. You are being charged with the kidnapping and murder of Bernice Miller and 1st degree murder of Stacey Delgado. In addition to 12 counts of voluntary manslaughter" he announces as he removes one hand from being cuffed, brings my arm behind me and cuffs me. "Is there anything you'd wish to confess to at this moment?" he says. "I want my lawyer" I repeat. "Let's go" he says escorting me down the hall to an elevator. We ride down a few floors to Bookings. He hands me off to a female officer to continue the intake process.

20 minutes later

"You can make a quick phone call before I take you to your cell Spooky" she says smiling. That's different, I never had an officer smile at me, "I probably know her from somewhere" I thought. "Thank You" I say softly.

I pick up the phone and dial Cesar. I hope this little shit picks up. "Oscar!" I hear Cesar's voice over the phone. I sigh in relief. "Que 'onda Lil' Spooky, are you ok?" I hear him sniffle, my heart stings a little bit. I left him all alone and that kills me. "Yeah" he finally answers, "I'm with Reginald signing some papers." "With who?!" I asked confused. "Your Lawyer Oscar. We couldn't-" "We?!" I interrupt aggressively. I sigh, "Put V on the phone" I demand.

"Hey" she says softly. Her voice makes it hard to focus. "I don't need your Lawyer," I respond. "That's great because he's not my lawyer, he's YOURS hired by YOUR brother" she snaps back. "This doesn't change shit between us V" I say outloud trying to convince myself. She stays quiet. I can tell that hurt her.

"It's not about us anymore Oscar, it's about Cesar" she says dryly. "You need to come home to finish raising him" "Damn I love her" I think to myself. "Until you do he will be staying with me" she says affirmatively. "No!" I whisper loudly. "He's 15 Oscar! Tu entiendes lo que te estoy diciendo?!" she yells. She's right it was different the 1st time because I was coming home, I might not and child protective services will get involved.

"Mando will cover his expenses" "Osc-" "you won't pay a dime for him, he's my responsibility!" I yelled. I looked at the female officer, that stared at me with a raised eyebrow. I apologized. "Ok Spooky." she said defeated handing off the phone. "Oscar?" Cesar says. "You need anything you go to Mando" I reinforce. "Ok, Reginald will be there tomorrow, you have to sign guardianship to V also. I-I love you Oscar" he finally says. "You have one minute remaining" I sigh. "I love you mano. I'll call you when I can, the homies will set up an account for you" I reassure and hang up.

"A lot of pent up aggression I see" the female officer says. I look at her and smile. "I have the cure for that" she whispers and winks. And the hustle begins.

***End of Chapter. It's short but I have another coming soon. Thanks for reading***

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