Who's that?

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"Oh my gosh V, you totally need a drink" Leah said handing me her cup. I smell the cup, the aroma of  vodka smacked me in the face, “what’s in this?” I ask raising my brow. “Girl you know Leah is in a relationship with her Pinnacle” Bernice said smirking and pointing at Leah. We all laughed.

“Well I’m not one to break up a happy couple” I say handing her back her cup, “I’ll go grab me a Dos X". “Well from what I heard they ran out of Dos X, looks like that guy over there got the last one" Bernice says pointing to the bald cholo in a black thermal shirt with dark blue jeans and a blunt tucked behind his ear. “well damn, who the fuck is that?!” Leah says taking a sip from her cup placing one hand on her hip. “Don’t know, definitely haven’t seen him before" I say staring licking my lips. “Hmm I think it’s Jakes plug” Bernice responds, “guess he made a drop off" she continued as she took a sip of her beer checking him out. “Well bitch he needs to drop something off in my place too" Leah squeals. Bernice and I laugh shaking our heads.

*Trap Queen by Fetty Wap begins to play* Everyone starts dancing and singing, “I’m like hey what’s up hello!” we all chant. I sway side to side with my hands in the air, “in love with the money I ain’t never letting go" I sing smiling. I look over to where the Cholo is standing drinking a beer talking to Jake. I bite my lip and smile, “Ima be back" I say before I walk away leaving Bernice and Leah dancing.

I walk up to Jake, place my arm on his shoulder, “hey" I say giving him a kiss on the cheek. “Hey V" he says giving me a side hug, “you finally came huh?” “mmhmm" I say smiling staring at the cholo infront of us. “This is Spooky" he introduces. “Spooky?” I say raising my eyebrow. He nods drinking his beer while staring at me up and down. I was wearing a black long sleeve with 2 chest buttons unbuttoned, fitted black jeans with white Nikes. I smile, “well Mr. Spooky, are you planning on sticking around?” “I invited him but he says he has some business to handle" Jake answers throwing up his hands. Spooky chuckles. “Ah. Well Spooky seems like we have a dilemma” I begin. Spooky straightens and stares at me, “what is that?” he says sternly.

I step up to him, “it seems you took the last Dos X" I say pointing at his half drank bottle in his hand, “the way I see it, you owe me a drink. Now, I can finish that for you so you can be on your way OR you can stay and get me a beer” I said nodding towards the kitchen. He smiles and chugs the remainder of the beer, with the empty bottle in his hand he points to the kitchen. “Smart man" I say and walk in front of him, I grab his hand and guide us through the crowd.

I get 2 Heineken and hand one to him, “Salud" I say raising my bottle to him. “Salud" he replies as we take a big chug staring at eachother. I laugh and grab him by the hand and walk him through the crowd towards a sofa that he can lean against. I stood a foot apart infront of him. “So…why do they call you Spooky?” I ask. “Lets just hope you never have to find out" he responds in a serious tone. “Ah ok mystery man" I tease. “Why do they call you V?” he reciprocates. “Everyone called me Vivian but my name is Viviana. I just got tired of correcting them so I shortened it to V".

He smiles, “how do you know Jake?" he asks. “He's a frat boy, pretty much everyone knows him, but I’m on the dance team and he’s on the football team so we see each other a lot for games and during practice” I explain. “You dance?” “yeah, can’t you tell?" I say shrugging looking at my body. “Claro, you look good" he says checking me out. “Thank you" I say blushing finishing my drink. “So I bet you come to these parties often, huh?” he asks looking around. “Um…no…this isn’t really my thing" I say running my fingers through my hair.

“No? What you into?” he lights up his blunt, blows out the smoke and inhales it through his nose then passes it to me. “I’m usually at practice or studying.” I say hitting the blunt, “but" I continue, passing the blunt back, “if you're coming around, I might start making more of an appearance". He smiles, “oh yeah why is that?” he says taking a hit smiling. "His dimples are so sexy" I thought.

“Because,” I get closer to him, hold his chin, “I find you very interesting, Spooky". I lick my lips. He places his left hand on my waist. I lean in for a kiss, “V?! There you are!” Leah says excitedly, “cmon! We are waiting for you to grab some food!” she says grabbing my hand pulling me away.

I sigh deeply, “ok gimme a second" I say pulling her towards me to release my hand. She looks at me and then at Spooky and then smiles, “oh my god" she giggles and walks away. Spooky had his phone out finishing up a text. “I gotta go" I say pointing to Leah. “yeah me too, I gotta head home" he says about to put his phone in his pocket. “Wait" I grab his phone and type in my number. Saved it as V 🤓 Hand him back his phone. “You should hit me up sometime" I say as I kiss his cheek and walk away, looking back at him.

*Beep* “Goooood Morning y’all this is DJ Chico hitting you with another Throw back Thursday hit! Here’s Crazy for You by Gemini. 'Have you ever met somebody that will love you like I do. I’m going crazy, crazy for you' ". I groan and rub my eyes. I lay on my back, yawn and stretch. “Flucking dreams" I mumble.

My only sanity in these walls is just the thought of you, paradise up in my mind just for a second or two but then it’s gone (all gone) and I gotta go too, because I changed my ways ma I’m coming home to you" I look to my left at my Echo, “Alexa stop!” I yell. She lights up and the song stops. “I hate throw back Thursdays sometimes" I whisper. I roll over to check my messages on my phone.

Leah- “OMG you need to stop being so boring and come out tonight!”

Bossman- “when you get in I need you to get me the deposition for the Malcolm  Case"

Tia Nora- “Espero que estes bien I miss you"

Spooky- “Yo, talk to me"

I scoff at my last message. “Dique talk to me" I shake my head and sit up. I grab my phone, head to the bathroom and turn on the shower. I begin to place my hair in a bun, “Leah is calling" Alexa says. “Alexa answer" “Goodmorning witch!” I smile. “Goodmorning” “ok so I know you are like getting ready to head to work, but you HAAVEE to come out with us tonight to Club B!!” “Leah, you know I..." “stop it! I know what you’re going to say! ‘I work, I’m tired, blah blah blah' but you know ever since what went down between you and Spoo…” “I got it Leah!!” I interrupt annoyed.

She sighs, “Look girl, I love you and I just think this will do you good". I close my eyes and take a deep breath. “Pick me up at 10” I say reluctantly. She squeals. “yey! Oh my god babes yes we are going to have a blast tonight!" She squeals, "Ok have a good day at work muah byes!”. I smile to myself and shake my head. *beep beep* I look at my phone. It’s a text.

Spooky- “V…stop avoiding me please"

I rolled my eyes and set my phone down. “Alexa play Starboy by the weekend” I say as I hop in the shower.

***This is Chapter 1, it's a slow start but I promise it gets more interesting***

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