Seeking the truth

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Mean while at Oscar's house

Oscar's POV

I look at my phone, Cesar's calling. "Que 'onda mano" I say walking to the fridge for a beer. I slam the fridge door, rubbing my temples, "Are you hit?! Is V safe?!" I ask angrily. I open the fridge grabbing a beer walking towards the livingroom. "I'm picking you up. I can't have you running around while I handle this" I say in an authoritive tone. Mando looks up at me raising an eyebrow licking the rolling paper. I look at the phone, "he don't fucking listen" I mumbles when Cesar hangs up abruptly.


"Something don't feel right about this compa" I confide to Mando taking a seat on the couch. Mando sighs frustrated inserting the magazine into his pistol, "why is that primo?" he says irritated, "because this has to do with V?" "What's that suppose to mean?" I says glaring at Mando.

He stands up, "it means that lately you've been acting like a real puto when it comes to V!" he yells. "The fight, not checking on her after she popped the pills, and now?!" Mando stands over me, looking down at me, "you're not even gonna avenge her?!"

I laugh, "avenge? this isn't Marvel homes," I say drinking my beer. Mando smacks the can out of my hand. I bolt up, grab him by the shirt, getting in his face, "the fuck is your problem?!"

He pushes me off of him, "Lil' Spooky said it was a green Impala right?! O que? You're doubting your brother now too?!" he states putting his pistol in his waistband. I rub my head, "Why Nora's?" I ask leaning against the wall lighting up a cigarette. "They could've hit any of the homies and started a war, why drive 20 minutes out to Nora's?" I looks out the window taking a hit. "For Cesar" Mando says connecting the dots.

"No compa" Ishake my head, "Cesar decided to go last minute. Only person that knew he was heading there besides me was his Lyft driver." Mando sits on the sofa, "hit was meant for Nora?" He says lighting up a blunt, "but why would the Prophet$ want to go after her?" He says rubbing his head exhaling smoke. "Who says it was the Prophet$" I mumble raising my brow.

Mando waves his hand in the air, "Lil Spooky said-" "he saw a green Impala but couldn't see who was in it. When have you known the Prophet$ to do a hit and not rep their set?" I say furrowing my brows. Mando hits the blunt, shaking his head confused, "they used the Prophet$ as a cover up. Who would want to harm Nora?" He asks shrugging. "What if it was for V?" I propose finishing my cigarette, putting it out in the ashtray. "Remember, that puto Johnny B knew where Nora lived" I point out grabbing the blunt from Mando.

He shakes his head, "he's locked up, la cabeza prohibited anybody from retaliating" he grabs the blunt and takes a hit, "Cuchillos?" He nods at me. Oscar sighs, "noce Compa" I admit looking at my phone, "but I set up a meeting with Kedrick, vamos a ver" "Let's go" Mando says putting out the blunt heading to the door. I place a hand on his chest stopping him. "I'm your mano derecha primo, if you ride, I ride with you" Mando reassures.

15 minutes later

Oscar POV

Mando and I arrive at Summer Night Lights. We walk through the crowds of people holding stuff animals, popcorn and Icees. "Why'd you agree to meet here?" Mando asks smirking at two cholas waving at him as they walk by. "They won't start shit here, it's too public," I respond scanning the area, "besides it's the least conspicuous place, everyone is here".

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