Chapter 11

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Bucky POV

I glanced from the movie to the person sleeping in my arms, her head nudging closer into my side. I gently adjusted my shoulders and leaned back into the sofa, my arm slipped off the back of the sofa and curled loosely around Y/N's sleeping body. The movie played on in the background but I couldn't focus on it, the only sounds I could hear clearly were the sounds of Y/N's soft even breaths and the small rustling sounds that came from her wiggling and stretching her legs out in an attempt to make herself comfortable. As the movie finished I reached and grabbed the remote and turned the TV off, I gently wrapped my other arm under Y/N's knees and picked her up as gently as I could. 

A few minutes later I had arrived outside Y/N's room, the only problem was that I didn't have a key so I couldn't put her in her room. I looked down at her in my arms and tried to jostle her awake, the only response I received was a low growl of warning. A warm feeling bubbled up inside of me as I looked down at her peaceful face, instead of shaking her again or searching her pockets for her key (which I was sure she wouldn't appreciate me doing), I padded gently to my room, trying my hardest to not jostle her in the meanwhile. 

My room was empty, there was no sign that anyone inhabited this room other than the clothes in the wardrobe and the knives on the coffee table. I glanced from my sofa to the door to my bedroom, in a moment I made my decision, I pushed down on the door handle with my elbow and then pushed it open. Gently so as to not wake Y/N I placed her on the bed and moved the duvet to cover her body, she made a small sound that was a mix of a cough and a snore and the warm feeling from earlier resurfaced, I couldn't pinpoint this feeling, it was light and warm like the summer sun but also heavy and sweet like caramel. It produced a heady feeling that made me feel like I was floating and drowning at the same time. Looking down at Y/N one last time, I exited my bedroom and made my way to the sofa, I pulled a blanket out of one of the cabinets next to the bathroom- that housed my extra duvet covers and bed sheets- and pulled the cloth over my body as I lay down on the sofa which wasn't big enough for me to stretch my legs out so I instead had to curl them into my body. 

The nightmares that I usually have had been getting better over the past few days and I wasn't having all that many physical outbursts while asleep so I felt comfortable enough to be able to sleep with another person near me without hurting anyone, especially not someone I cared about. 

After a few minutes of wriggling around to find a comfortable position to sleep in, I finally managed to find a place where I could sleep peacefully even though I knew that my neck would pay for my decision in the morning. 


Sunlight streamed into my eyes waking me up, I groaned and then twisted, the duvet wrapping around my body and tangling my limbs. I snuggled my head further into the pillow before jolting up with the realisation of where I was or rather where I wasn't suddenly hitting me. 

This was not my room. I don't leave my curtains open and I don't get the morning light. I pulled the covers off of me and saw that I was also wearing the same clothes as yesterday. I walked towards the door that would lead me out of the bedroom and opened it. 

The sight in front of me was surprising, to say the least, Bucky was standing in his small kitchen, cooking something over the stove. The smell of bacon and eggs hit me and I realised how hungry I was, I shuffled my way out of what I could now tell was his room and I made my way over to where he was standing. 

"Sleep well?" Bucky asked, his voice soft and smooth as he spoke, I nodded in response.

"Quite, how 'bout you?" I returned, my voice husky and sleepy, I cleared it roughly and then looked at Bucky who had turned to face me. He grinned and then replied.

"I slept fine, my neck kind of hurts but other than that it was good," I grinned back at him. "I made us breakfast, bacon and scrambled eggs if you want some," he asked and I nodded in response.

"I'd love some, do you need any help with anything?" He shook his head in response and took the eggs and bacon ff the stove and split them equally between two plates, he handed one to me and gestured for me to sit at the island counter, he reached behind him and grabbed two glasses, "Do you want orange juice or tea or water? I'm sorry I don't have any coffee, I just don't really drink it," He offered.

"Umm, D/C (drink choice) would be fine thank you." Bucky poured me a glass of D/C and placed it in front of me before grabbing himself the same. He then sat down next to me and we ate in silence. Bucky was actually a really good cook, I don't know why but I hadn't really expected him to be good at it. "You're really good at cooking," I said after finishing my meal, he blushed a bit under the compliment and gave me a shy smile and a small 'thanks' before looking away and picking up my plate and his and putting them in the dishwasher. The blush was still on his face when he turned around and I couldn't help the small laugh that came out of me, it only deepened the rosy hue on his cheeks and made him look adorable.

"Why are you laughing?" He asked gently with a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. I just smiled in return and thanked him for breakfast before walking out and back to my room.


Hi! I'm back! Sorry for being gone for so long, I never meant for that to happen but life got in the way and I was in a bad place. I needed a break and then when I got better I got writer's block so when I tried to write I wouldn't know what to do.  

Also sorry for the short chapter, still trying to get over my writer's block and I've been really sick over the past few days (not covid thankfully).

Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter and with luck, I will get back to writing chapters and having some backlogged for when I'm not feeling so well so that you don't have to wait this long. 

Hope you have a great day and a wonderful week!

Figure From the Past (Bucky x reader)Where stories live. Discover now