Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


"Y/N stop! Please I just want to talk." I heard the Winter Soldier shout those words as I scrambled frantically to put as much distance between us as possible. I don't know why I was so terrified, I had known that I was goading him, trying to see how far I could go before he snapped (evidently not that far). When he had punched the wall I had frozen with shock, the soldier that I had known in Hydra didn't have the capacity to feel anger, sadness.... happiness, well he had kind of had feelings but they were so subdued it was as if they were non-existent.

I sprinted away from him, thoughts were running a mile-a-minute through my brain as I ran, soon after I had taken off the Soldier had started running after me, I felt his heavy presence get closer to me. It wasn't until too late that I realised he was a lot closer than I thought. A hand- his hand- reached out and grabbed my wrist, the momentum forced me to spin around and face him. In a brief moment of stupidity I threw a punch at his face, it was sloppy and as expected he dodged it, luckily for me he matched my stupidity with a well-timed sadly poorly executed leg sweep. I hopped over his out-stretched and kicked my foot into his stomach, I felt a grim satisfaction roll over me as he grunted and was pushed back from the force of my kick, the Winter Soldier released my arm and stood up, I felt an involuntary smirk curl my lips when I saw his hand move up to his stomach, or more precisely to the spot I had hit. It was only a few seconds later that I realised that he had put himself between me and my escape route.

I whispered a small curse under my breath and took stock of my options, there was only one. I lunged at the Winter Soldier when his hands gripped my waist I stared at his face trying to see what he was going to do when he suddenly threw me away from him, his strength that Hydra had given him made me sail all the way to the end of the corridor. I had to make an important decision right now, how was I going to land? If I didn't choose now I would end up with my back hitting the ground or possibly breaking something, I twisted my body and when I was close to hitting the ground I put my feet down and skidded to a stop, my shoes made a high pitched squeaky sound as I didn't even wait before running back to where Bucky was standing, I saw a faint crease f what could be concern line his face before I jumped and landed a flying kick to his chest. I heard the extremely satisfying sound of the air being knocked out of his chest and attempted a move that I had seen Natasha do once on a practice dummy, I lifted my foot onto his shoulder and attempted to kick off his broad shoulders and push him to the ground.

Two birds, one stone.

Sadly my move didn't happen as planned because he reached up and grabbed my wrist, it felt like he had dislocated it, on further inspection it was fine. The Soldier then pushed me until my back hit the wall. I glared at him as he towered over me, I heard his uneven breaths probably because of the kick I landed on his chest, I smiled inwardly.

"Y/N, don't make this far more difficult than this needs to be" He implored. I thought about his words and after a while, I stopped fidgeting and looked him in the eyes. The Winter Soldier took a step back and I felt myself relaxing as he moved away from me. I quickly stiffened my body again, I couldn't show any weaknesses, I couldn't show him how much his proximity bothered me. And then he spoke, "I know you knew me, why would you lie?"

I held my breath at that question and then forced my body to expel it. I glared at him, trying to think of an answer. I settled on lying which as an ex-Hydra agent you would think I'd be quite good at, sadly my skills lay at killing on sight and not schmoozing my way into places. In other words, I couldn't lie to save my life.

"I have no idea what you're talking about" I internally smacked myself over the head, why the heck did I say that? I looked up at the soldier and saw his gaze harden and I nearly flinched, I wanted to strangle someone, why did the Soldier terrify me so much, how could he have such a huge effect on me even though we hadn't seen each other in over five years.

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