Chapter 7

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It had been a few days since my leaving the hospital and knocking out Natasha, who was now sporting a huge bruise that went from her jaw to her hairline. I glanced across the kitchen island that I was seated at and watched her make a ham and cheese sandwich, guilt twanged in my heart when my eyes traced the bruise. Natasha looked up at me and smiled, which only added to my feeling of guilt.

"Nat, I am so so sorry about what happened," I started, shame taking over me "Hell, I don't even know what happened" I nervously ran my hand through my hair.

"It's okay, the only thing that happened is that we now know that you definitely need training for your abilities and honestly it's better that it happened with me than with someone more...breakable," Natasha said as she traversed the space between us and gently put her hand on my shoulder, I let go of the breath that I hadn't even noticed I was holding in, I gave her a shy smile. Natasha then shoved the sandwich she had been making in front of me. I looked from her to the sandwich.

"Umm isn't this yours?" Natasha raised an eyebrow at me and then replied.

"Don't think I haven't noticed that you haven't been eating more than like a slice of toast a day since we left the hospital" I looked at the sandwich and then tentatively picked it up and took a bite, this was the first proper meal I had eaten in days and it tasted so good. I quickly gobbled up the rest of the sandwich.

 Nat gave me a wide smile before patting my back and then leaving the room, just as she crossed the arch to the kitchen, another person stepped in, the person was shrouded in darkness and it looked like it was made of shadows, Natasha just walked past it as if it wasn't there at all. I stared at it and then blinked, it disappeared suddenly and I nearly fell off the chair I was sitting on. 

"Holy fudge" I whispered under my breath as I slid off my chair and took a few steps behind me, away from where the shadow creature had been. My back hit against something not hard enough to be a wall, I spun around and saw a figure towering over me, it was dark like the shadow monster, I raised my arms to cover my face and curled into myself, trying to make myself the smallest target possible. A strange sensation passed through my arms as fingers both warm and cold gently pried my hands away from my face, the warm hand tilted my chin up. My eyes snapped open and I saw a very human face near me, not the shadow monster, I let out a relieved sigh and then scrambled away from the person in front of me. 

"Winter Soldier" I acknowledged him and watched as his face tightened in distaste.

"Don't call me that. I am not him." He almost growled before taking a breath and returning to his serene expression. "I think we are past calling me the Winter Soldier. Call me Bucky" He gave me a shy smile, I sent a small but genuine smile back his way, feeling grateful for his help in calming me down before another 'incident' happened. "Don't tell me you're okay with him now? God, I really wanted to kill someone and I thought we agreed that he was the perfect candidate" The screechy and painful voice of the monster living in my head spoke. I reached a hand up to my temple and tried to discreetly rub it in a futile attempt to diminish the pain that I felt starting, the monster kept on complaining and the headache built up swiftly and then a blinding rush of pain rushed over me and I had to lean against a wall to keep myself from falling. Oh wait, this wasn't a wall, it was a chest with well-toned muscles. Please don't make me have mistaken him for a wall again! I looked up and nearly cursed, it was him. Another rush of the tortuous pain washed over my brain and I couldn't do anything but clutch onto his arm. 

Faintly in the distance, I could hear his voice as he shouted for help, my world suddenly turned on its side and I was picked up by the Winter- no by Bucky, my body was writhing under the agony of- and after a split second of relief from the pain I realised that- the monster was doing this to me. "You are so weak. Anyone shows you even a scrap of care and even after years of hatred and fear you can like them. WEAK." The monster scoffed in my head, after taking a breath from screaming in my head, it felt like a toddler was having a tantrum in my head after I had just woken up from a night on the town that had a lot of vodka involved. That was how my brain felt, like it was being pulverized.

"Shut up" I tried to shout but the agony that my body had been through wouldn't allow me to. I heard hushed voices around me asking 'What did she just say?' and the like, I wanted to bash my head in and knock myself unconscious just to get rid of the pain. "Y/N. What did you just say?" The sadist that was living in my head asked dangerously.

"Fuck this. Shut the fuck up!" I screamed hoarsely, the voices that I knew weren't in my head stopped talking around me but the dangerous voice answered right back. "Do I have to teach you a lesson about how to talk to me?" It was then that I remembered one of the main reasons why I had locked the monster out of my head, it started to think that it was in control and then it would put me in pain when I didn't do what it wanted. I wanted to tear my hair out, the voice wasn't going to leave for at least another week.

Wanda's POV

I stared at Y/N as she whispered to it seemed herself to shut up and then I flinched back when she suddenly screamed. I closed my eyes and blocked her voice out, my job right now was to dive into her mind, something I had tried before when I had first joined the avengers but had failed when her mental defences were too strong. It seemed like trying to go into her mind would be useless when suddenly she opened up her defences and sucked me in, I gave a small gasp as her energy surrounded me. I delved into her mind and passed all her memories which were tinged grey, showing me that these weren't what I was looking for. I closed my eyes and felt for the strongest emotion. It was anger but it wasn't Y/N's anger, it was someone else's. I frowned, how could there be someone with such a different essence in Y/N's head? This was an alien on a planet where it wasn't supposed to be able to survive but it was still holding on and adapting and becoming stronger and taking control. I reached the core of Y/N's mind, it held a maze and through it was the problem. 

I made my way through the winding passages in the maze, somehow I found my way to the centre where I found a creature that resembled Y/N but was twisted, the cheekbones were too sharp, the hair was too wiry and the eyes were somehow black and glowing at the same time. I involuntarily took a step back, the creature before me was blood-curdling, hair-raising, spine-chilling, all of those were accurate to what it was. The aura of the creature was so strong and deadly my shoulders felt heavier under it.

"A mind reader...the sceptre made you...I never thought the mind stone would find someone worthy...interesting, I saw you through her eyes" The Y/N like thing said as it stalked towards me, I held my ground and stared it in the eye as it circled me.

"Who are you?" I asked after the weird version of Y/N took a step back. When I asked that question, a shocked looked crossed over onto its face.

"Who am I? Who am I?" It asked itself "Who are you?" It pondered the question and asked itself a few more times. "I don't know, Y/N never gave me a name...or asked. She just locked me away for five years" The anguish that covered its face made my heart twinge a bit, I felt sympathy wash over me before I viciously stamped it out. This thing was causing Y/N pain, I couldn't afford to let sympathy stop me from doing my job.

"You need to stop hurting Y/N," I started and then stopped as a malicious smile took over the creature's face.

"No" It smiled and then darkness overtook me.

I shot up from my resting position on the sofa across from Y/N's trembling form. The others were sat near me, I hadn't remembered laying down on the sofa but then again I hadn't remembered seeing the sun go down. It must have been a few hours since I went into Y/N's head.

Seeing the looks on the faces of the people around me I sat straighter and then spoke, it meant to sound steady but instead, it came out as a strangled whisper.

"It didn't work"


Hi! Sorry about not updating sooner, I just haven't had the inspiration to write for the past week, also sorry about the swear words, I never know what to do when it comes to curse words, should I put a * (eg. Sh*t) or should I just write it how it should be (eg. Shit)? Because I know some people are very sensitive when it comes to curse words.

Anyways it's 1 am and I'm tired so goodnight and have a great day and week!

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