Chapter 5

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A loud knocking came at my door, I rolled over in my bed and check my phone, it was 4 am, who on earth would be knocking at my door at this ungodly hour? I groaned and rolled over again but I did it too forcefully and rolled over and fell off the other side of the bed and hit the floor with a resounding thud. I cursed under my breath and leapt to my feet, I opened my wardrobe and grabbed a hoodie which I hastily pulled on as I walked out of my bedroom, I hastily adjusted my sleeping shorts. I opened my door and stifled a yawn behind my hand, in front of me was the Soldier who was wearing a black t-shirt that stretched across his broad shoulders and moulded into his body perfectly and a pair of sweatpants, what threw me off was his expression, it was filled with fury. I started to close my door when he stuck his foot between the doorjamb and the moving door and then pushed back on the door so that I was propelled back when his strength won over mine and shoved the door open. I planted my feet on the hardwood floors and looked at the Soldier's menacing figure.

"Why are you back?" I stifled another yawn and rolled my shoulders back to give myself a better posture.

"I- I had a dream" He started, I was already rolling my eyes at him, this was why he had rudely interrupted my sleep.

"So you're here because you had a dream, great, can you go now so that I can have a few more hours of sleep?" I barely held back a snarl as I attempted to herd him out of my rooms. He let out a low growl at me and then pushed me further into the room.

"I think you'll be interested to hear about what I dreamt and how I am very sure that that dream was of my time at Hydra and also specifically with you." The Soldier drew closer to me, I held my ground as to not seem intimidated but his words had shaken me. What exactly did he remember? "I dreamed of the time that I was 'wiped', of when I first met you in that training room, I remembered when they decided to replace me...with you and of when you escaped and left me behind." The last one he said with a viciousness that made me flinch, I shuffled a bit backwards and put some space between us. I remembered those events as well, they were ingrained in my memory.

"Well, I guess you now know more...Good for you. Now can you just leave?" I scowled at him, all he was doing was telling me what I already knew. 

"No." He stood in front of me, his eyes burning into mine. "I'm sick of waiting for my memories to come back, I want them now and I don't want you to be hiding anything that has to do with my past." At those words, I barely suppressed the words I wanted to say to him, they involved a lot of swearing, my mouth twitched into a cold sneer and glared.

"You know what? No. I also want you to get the hell out of my room." I snarled before pushing him back or rather attempting to push him back. He was much taller and heavier than I was so it was a struggle to push him back even an inch. "GO AWAY" I shouted, as instead of me pushing him back he was doing it to me and pushing me further away from the door. I kicked him in the place where the sun doesn't shine but he still had a firm grip on my shoulders and was holding me away from him. The Soldier steered us towards my sofas. This man had invaded my space and was trying to control my actions? I don't think so. I did what anyone would do in this situation and screamed, I was blessed with a beautiful and strong set of lungs so my screams could easily be heard throughout my floor of the building and probably the floor above and below as well.

To my delight, I heard footsteps run-up to my door and quickly the Soldier let go of me, I peered around his big frame to see who had was Steve. I groaned, just my luck, the only friend the Soldier had here was the one who had turned up. How unbelievable was that? I glared at Steve for a split second before covering up my expression. 

"What's happening? Y/N are you okay? Why did you scream?" Steve asked frantically, I gestured at the Soldier who was standing a metre away from me. "Bucky? What are you doing here?" Now Steve sounded confused and honestly, I couldn't blame him. 

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