All I Want For Christmas Is You... And Socks {Obitine}

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Obi-Wan Kenobi was not a happy man on Christmas Eve.

He stood up against a pillar with his arms crossed over his chest, staring gloomily at the sea of bodies dancing to the too-loud music before him.

"Why did I have to be the one to be asked by two dozen Masters to watch their Padawans while they went out?" he grumbled under his breath, hunching his shoulders even further. "And why did the Padawans all choose to have a party in the Great Hall when I said they had to stay together? And why did they have to invite three hundred people?"

The Jedi Master sighed, looking up at the ceiling. When his idle gaze found the streamers and glitter – and was that cake? – that had been plastered to it, he muttered a curse. As the only Master supervising, he would inevitably be blamed for the ceiling, and whatever other messes came from this blasted party.

"I should have gotten Anakin and Ahsoka to stay with me. They might have been some help... Oh, no, wait. Never mind; they would probably have donned the party clothes I know they have hidden up in their rooms and gone to join the mob."

He found himself wondering if there was any way to unplug the speakers blaring that terrible, terrible music into the room without attracting notice. But he decided against it. Everyone except for himself and a few other wallflowers was enjoying and even dancing to the music. If he shut the Rodian band currently taking the stage off, he would have three hundred pairs of eyes giving him the death glare.

And after that, only the Force knew what would happen.

Who would have thought that Padawans were so wild? Obi-Wan thought. Usually they're very demure and respectable... with the exception of Anakin, of course. Well, I suppose all the wild teenage energy our ways bid them to contain has to be expelled at some point during the year: this must be it.

He uncrossed his arms and began walking towards the table for some jawa juice. As a group of girls wearing alarmingly short skirts tottered by on dangerously high heels, he almost crashed into a boy and a girl in a deep lip lock.

He winced when he saw the braids marking them as Padawans in their hair. He could only hope that they regretted it the next morning. If they were even sober enough to remember. Because after all, he'd learned from an undercover mission with Master Qui-Gon that parties like this often had...

The sharp smell of spirits hit his nostrils, confirming his theory. Someone had apparently managed to sneak in a few crates of tsupa (which was a beverage served galaxy-wide that was notorious for making one drunk after less than two glasses), into the party.

Obi-Wan poured himself a cup of juice, and took a tentative sip to make sure nothing illicit was mixed in. Tasting nothing, he chugged the rest of the refreshment, and put the cup in the bin that served as a disposal.

Suddenly, there was a high-pitched whine from the makeshift stage that had been set up with a bunch of crates as a microphone was dropped. There was a flash of credits and the Rodians left the stage. With the rest of the dancers, who were very annoyed that their source of music had disappeared, Obi-Wan turned to watch the new band come onstage.

For a moment, there was the sound of instruments being tuned and a few experimental taps on the drum ensemble in one corner of the stage. But then, an extreme burst of noise forced the Jedi Master to clap his hands over his ears.

The new band was made up of a bunch of Clone Troopers, having traded their professional military apparel for crazy hairdos, piercings and and wearing flashy clothes. From what he could see, Fives was the lead singer; Rex and Cody were his backup singers and playing a shiny metal guitar and base; Hardcase was apparently trying to murder the drum kit with a pair of sticks; and Echo was playing on some sort of keyboard.

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