Mistletoe {Luxsoka}

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Ahsoka Tano had always loved the snow.

The Togruta species had been built for a warm, tropical climate, but even so, winter had always held some sort of magic for the young Padawan Learner.

And so, outfitted in a cozy maroon knit sweater with too-long sleeves (which Padme had made for Anakin a few Christmases ago, but he'd been so appalled at the thought of wearing it that he'd immediately handed it off to her), a glass of warm cocoa in her hands, she sat in the living room of Padme's apartment.

She was waiting for something; she didn't quite know what it was, but it was something. Maybe it was even a someone. A special someone.

"Pfft, this is a silly way to spend the holidays," she said to herself, eyeing the festive décor in red, green and white and the light-spangled tree in a corner of the room. "Hiding in a Senator's apartment like an outcast while everyone else is out having a good time, partying Christmas Eve away. Nice one, Ahsoka."

Everyone she knew was out making merry in general: a few of the older Padawans were throwing a party in one of the training rooms, but she hadn't been invited. And although Barriss had offered to sneak her in, it was supposed to be eighteen and up because someone was bringing spirits.

Cody, Rex and the boys in the 501st were out at some club, probably getting drunk and meeting all the wrong kinds of people. She had absolutely no idea where Anakin and Padme were, but they were without a doubt together. They were hardly ever apart when given the chance to see one another.

Ahsoka plunked the mug of steaming chocolate down on the table, and stood up. She walked to the window-screen that led off onto a small balcony, which was concealed in the corner of the Senate Apartment Complex.

Pulling her sweater up around her, and putting on the hood attached to it (she had enlisted Barriss's help to cut two holes in it for her montrals without unraveling the entire thing), she hit the button on the wall and walked outside.

The cold air hit her like a slap in the face, but she pushed onward through the snow accumulated on the balcony until she reached the railing. She was glad she kept her red combat boots clean enough for Padme to let her wear them indoors, although she was probably going to have to take them off when she went back inside or risk the Senator's wrath.

Tiny snowflakes clung to Ahsoka's sweater and gathered in her long dark eyelashes as she looked out into the beautiful storm of white gathering over Coruscant. The shiny metal skyscrapers, from a distance, all looked like they were covered in powdered sugar.

She sighed. Although it was beautiful, there was something missing. There was only one person she wanted to be with right now, and they were far away, dealing with matters of politics and social justice on their home planet, Onderon. The chances of her seeing them before the Christmas ceasefire ended and she had to go back to the frontline were dwindling with every day that went by.

Suddenly, from inside, she heard the doorbell chime. She walked back inside, abandoning her now snow-covered boots by the door and continuing on in her tights with their diamond cutouts. It was probably Padme, coming back for something and having forgotten her keycard to open the door.

She pulled her hood off and hit the open button. But the person at the door wasn't Padme; they were too tall for that. They were turned away so, combined with the hood on their cloak, she couldn't see their face.

"I'm sorry, Senator Amidala's not in," she said. "You'll have to–"

"She's not the one I came to see."

It was then that the stranger threw off their hood, sending half-melted snowflakes falling to the ground. Ahsoka gasped. It was Lux Bonteri!

"Lux!" she cried, and threw her arms around his shoulders. He hugged her back tightly, laughing as he picked her up and swung her around.

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