Dancing In The Moonslight {Anidala}

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Padme sighed, looking out the enormous windows separating the large ballroom from the cold snowfall outside.

I wish you were here, Ani, she thought, picturing her wonderful husband's face, and the smile she knew he would have reaching up to his eyes when he parked his fighter outside her door and ran into her arms. But, sadly, the official reports said that he was still cleaning up after a battle with the Separatists over Felucia.

Even though the two sides of the war had agreed to a ceasefire for two weeks for Christmas, that didn't necessarily mean that the Jedi and their valiant troops would be able to spend that time at home. They had other duties to the Republic and its citizens to fulfill, and those responsibilities took precedence over coming home to spend time with their friends.

She and a number of the other members of the Republic Senate were currently in the later stages of an elegant banquet to celebrate their success with the war effort, the ceasefire and an end to their worries for a short period of time. And despite the general aura of happiness and tranquility in the air, she was feeling particularly ruffled.

"Oh, Senator Amidala," said the man standing next to her with a heavy Umbaran accent. "Are you quite all right?"

Reyn Currence, the new Senator for the Umbara system, had been trying to court her for at least half the evening, and his dull small talk and ignorant opinions were starting to wear on her.

"Yes, of course," she said, trying to keep any testiness out of her voice. She brushed an invisible crease out of her red-and-green dress. "I'm just... very tired from the last few weeks. We Senators do not have the easiest jobs in the galaxy."

"I couldn't agree more," he replied. "Of course, you should be allowed some moments of weakness."

"I'm sorry?" Padme's eyes narrowed just the slightest. There was something demeaning in his tone she didn't like.

He sighed, as if she was missing out on some fundamental part of life. "Well, you being a woman and all. You're very much entitled to it."

She pursed her lips, eyes flashing. Of course, Currence was too absorbed with his sparkling blue drink to notice. Not that he would care, anyways. All that mattered to him was that he had money and social standing.

I can't believe him! Padme fumed internally. Upon meeting Senator Currence, people would never know how centered on gender equality their society is! He's a poor representation of his people's way of life – thank goodness his term is nearly up.

"Your gender is feeble by nature," he continued, looking up from his drink.

That was the last straw.

"Senator Currence," she said, her tone icy, "I will have you know that you appear to have been born in a different galaxy – one where women are inferior and belittled because of what gender they were born to. That sort of thinking will get you nowhere in life." Suddenly, a thought occurred to her. "And Senator: how many times have you risked your life for your people? How many times, hm?"

"I – I... None," he said, some fear showing in his eyes at her sudden display of controlled rage. "I've never seen the need to. We have our soldiers for that, and–"

"And I will have you know that I have willingly put myself into life or death situations more times than I can count to make sure innocent people survived. I am not here for the money or the fame; I'm here to help others, and promote peace and equality."

The Umbaran gulped visibly.

She raised an eyebrow, her brown eyes hard and cold. "I wonder if that changes your perspective on women, Senator, when you, a man, are evidently too afraid to risk your status and fortune, even if it means you're forfeiting an ability to do some real good in the galaxy. I bid you good evening."

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