The Night Before Rogue One {Bonus Feature}

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'Twas the night of the premier, and all through the net,

Every fangirl was stirring; on this I will bet.

News feeds were refreshed every minute with care,

In hopes that new details would soon be there.

Those from other timezones lay snug in their beds,

While visions of rebellion danced in their heads.

My parents slept deeply in the room next door, but I sat awake,

Willing to brave any spoilers, no matter what was at stake.

When then from my phone's speaker there rose such a clatter,

I ran to my desk to see what was the matter.

I tore it from the charger and double-checked the connection,

Excitement for what I would find adding color to my complexion.

I keyed in the passcode and opened some apps

Scanned over my newsfeed in hopes that it hadn't been a trap.

But the reviews were in! Plot details had been made known,

And I couldn't wait to learn what secrets the viewers had been shown.

As I read the reviews, I fell into a dream,

Picturing planets and faces I had not yet seen.

What if I had been there too, instead of staying up late

Scrambling for tidbits to keep me awake?

I saw my old heroes, and looked out for the new,

Quite sure that Gareth Edwards would come through.

In my mind's eye, the audience was really going insane

As he turned to his actors, and called them by name!

"Let's hear it for Jones, Luna, Whitaker and Yen,

And Tudyk, O'Reilly, Mikkelsen and Wen!

And the villains and foes, backstage crew and more,

I'll thank them right now as I have often before!"

The audience surged forward, clamoring for autographs,

On tickets and notebooks or a favorite T-shirt, perhaps.

Somehow I found myself in the front of the crowd,

It had to be a dream, but I didn't say that out loud.

Although I realized then I had nothing to sign,

I could see them with my own eyes, and that was just fine.

It's better not to meet your idols, or at least so they say:

Your mind doesn't like having its illusions taken away.

And onward the crowd pushed, heading straight for the theatre,

Grabbing popcorn or Skittles or maybe just neither.

Excited whispers cut through the air as 3D glasses were donned,

Then the screen lit up, and we waited for the music of which we are so fond.

But no cues there came, for the ears or for the eyes,

For the screen remained blank, and I wasn't surprised.

By this time I had realized I had fallen asleep,

And that this was all just a dream; nothing I would get to keep.

I grew reluctant to awake, just from seeing the crowd's faces,

As they reacted to all the new sights and places.

I was an outsider for now, but soon I would know

What exactly was causing their expressions to glow.

When I went to see the film two days hence,

I knew in my heart I would not regret the money I spent.

So I opened up Wattpad and typed a quick note,

Hoping to greet a few friends with good tidings to quote.

I sat up and turned off my phone with a smile,

Knowing full well it would still be a while,

But when I finally do see Rogue One, it will be such a sight!

So happy viewing to all, and to all a good night!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2016 ⏰

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