Fugo x reader

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"Thank you for your help, Giorno", I said politely, giving the blond-haired man next to me a warm smile.
"You don't have to thank me, I had nothing to do anyway. Besides, I'm always happy to accompanying you."
He returned my smile cautiously.
When we had taken the last groceries out of the trunk, Giorno closed it noisily and we went, fully loaded, back to the momentary hiding place of our group.

Arriving at the house, I headed straight for the kitchen, closely followed by Giorno, where I slammed the heavy purchases on the kitchen shelf with a loud sigh.
By the loud bang, Narancia, who had just been sitting at the kitchen table doing some schoolwork, shook up, but smiled joyfully when he saw us.

" (Y/N), Giorno, you're back", he exclaimed happily.
Fugo, who was leaning against the fridge behind Narancia, looked at us with squinted eyes and only let hear a derogatory snort of himself.

"Where are the others?", I asked and looked around the kitchen confused.
"Abbachio is in town to do something important for Bucciarati, Mista was kicked out by Fugo because he was annoying and Bucciarati is in his office, doing some work", he explained to us when something seemed to came into his head.
Excitedly, he turned to Giorno, who had started to put away the groceries behind me.

"Hey Giorno, Bucciarati wanted something from you, so I want you to come to his office as soon as you get back."
The blond-haired man acknowledged this with a simple nod and left the kitchen to go to Bruno's.
Before he stepped through the door, I shouted a short "thank you, I owe you you something" towards him to which he just replied with a gentle smile.

When I was about to continue Giorno's work and put away the groceries, I noticed Fugo, who still kept looking at me with evil eyes.

"Something wrong?", I asked confusedly and he turned his gaze to the side.
"You asked me this morning if I would go shopping with you", he said in a bitter voice.
I was still confused.
"Yes, but you were busy earlier, so I thought it would be better to ask Giorno for help", I shrugged.
"I should have gone with you, but you chose him. You're probably even glad you took him instead of me, since he's such a nice guy", Fugo hissed, throwing himself off the fridge with an elegant movement.
"I'm leaving", he muttered and walked towards the door.

"Hey where are you going, we're not finished yet", Narancia shouted after him indignantly, but Fugo just waved off.
"You annoy me with your stupidity, I'm going to my room", he replied bluntly, disappearing through the door upstairs, where, after a few seconds, we could hear the loud slamming of a room door.

"What's wrong with him?" I asked, surprised, but Narancia only shrugged his shoulders.
"I don't know, he's been like this all day, just before he even threw Mista out of the kitchen.
He wasn't even loud or anything, he was just asking for you and Giorno."
I sigh.
I knew how much of a diva Fugo could be if something bothered him.

"Maybe someone should follow him upstairs?", I asked, looking at Narancia questioningly, who raised his hands defensively.
"I won't interfere if Fugo is in a bad mood, he'll just hit me again", said Narancia, displeased, and I sigh again.
"All right, I'll go check on him", I said, leaving Narancia back in the kitchen.

Arriving upstairs, I gently knocked on Fug's door, but I didn't get any reaction.
Carefully, I opened the door, which gave a view of Fugo, who was staring out the window with his arms folded.
I silently closed your door behind me and stepped towards him.
"Hey, it's me", I said gently.
Fugo turned around and I saw a brief hint of astonishment light up in his eyes.

"What are you doing here?" he asked angrily, but I only looked at him questioningly.
"You just behaved strangely and since Narancia is too afraid of you, I went after you", I admitted shrugging my shoulders.
He laughed briefly and took a big step towards me, so I intuitively stepped back and slammed my head roughly against the door.

I rubbed my aching head, but Fugo seemed unimpressed.
"Are you really that stupid, or are you just pretending, (Y/N) ", he asked mockingly, strangely emphasizing my name.
"You choose another man over me and then you ask me what's wrong with me", he said, giving off a false laugh.

"Chose? Over you?
Do you mean Giorno?
But it was just a coincidence that he just had time and-"
He interrupted me when he pushed his hands at the door with a loud bang next to my head.
"You don't seem to be listening to me properly, you stupid brat", he growled and glanced at me with an angry look.

Surprised by Fugo's emotional outburst, I opened my eyes widely and looked at him in surprise.
"Are you really that stupid and don't see how I feel about you, or do you just don't want to see my feelings", he said in an angry voice.
"Y-you're scaring me Fugo", I replied confusedly, looking at him wide.

"Fear? I want to tell you how I feel, and you tell me you're scared.
How can you be so ungrateful", he growled.
"Since you don't seem to understand my words, I guess I'll have to show you what I mean."
My protests were nipped in the bud when Fugo pressed his rough lips on mine.

I tried to push him away, but he pushed his right knee between my legs and grabbed my two arms forcefully, to fix them with one hand over my head, without interrupting our kiss.
After a short time, he deepened the kiss and let his free hand wander over my body.

As he pulled away from me, he looked at me with a dangerous glistenig in the eye and layed forward until his mouth was right next to my ear.
I felt his breath on my cheek and he whispered: "You don't know how long I've wanted to do this".


A brief sign of life from me before I disappear again for months 😂
I'm not 100% satisfied, but who knows, maybe I'll write a second part of the story when I find my motivation again?
But somehow I'm in the mood to write something darker right now...

~Zoey 🦋

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2022 ⏰

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