Josuke x Reader

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"I think we should break up, Josuke". "What?"
"Did I do something wrong, why would you leave me?", he sounded really desperated.
"I would do anything for you just please don't leave me, (Y/N).
I sighed: "You see, that's the problem".
"What, that I love you?"
"No,'s...sometimes it seems to me like you can't get along in your life without me, I think something apart would be good for both of us".

Josuke looked like a puppy whose toy had been taken away.
"Please don't make it any harder than it already is".
With a heavy heart, I turned around and just left him standing, even though I still somehow loved him.

The next day at school it was really hard to avoid Josuke, every time he saw me, he looked at me with his puppy eyes.
Eventually I was just annoyed and tried to ignore him as best I could.

In the break I sat with Koichi and Yukako in the cafeteria together.
While I was busy eating, Koichi tried to persuade me to give Josuke another chance, but I tried to ignore him annoyed.

Suddenly, a guy from ourclass came up to us and interrupted Koichi rudely. "Hey, I heard that you break up with Higashikata, so I wanted to ask you if maybe I had a chance with you, to be honest, the guy was a looser anyway". Just as I was about to answer him, he was rudely beaten to theground by a fist.


"Stay away from my girlfriend, or the next time I'll hit you so hard, you won't be able to get up", he said in an angry voice.
"Josuke, what the fuck is this? Since when do you beat up your classmates, and besides, I'm not your girlfriend anymore", I said shocked from his actions.
"He deserved it for the way he looked at you",he growled.

Just as I was about to bend down to the boy on the ground, Josuke pulled me to his chest with a strong hand.
"Let's get out of here (Y/N)", he said resolutely and pulled me out of the cafeteria by the arm, against my protest.
Koichi and Yukako looked at us in disbelief.

He dragged me into an empty classroom and closed the door behind us.
"What the fuck is this, Josuke"?
"He tried to take you away from me, no one can take you away from me". Gently he put a hand on my cheek, then he gently pulled me up to him and kissed me. I tried tl get rid of him, but his kisses just get harder.
He gently bit my lower lip before letting go of me.

"Don't you realize it was a big mistake toleave me, my dear?"
"I'll make sure no one comes between us and you're mine forever, understand?"
He let go of me and looked at me lovingly.
Slowly I walked a few steps backwards and tried to slowly stretch out my hand towards the door handle as I hitsomething hard. I turned around frightenedand saw Crazy Diamond standing in front of me.

"Didn't you understand? You can't run away from me".
He came up to me again and kissed me while Crazy Diamond was holding me in place.
He let go of mine just to squeeze his soft lips on my neck, which elicited a slight moan.
He gently kissing my neck and then started sucking in one place.
"Josuke, please...", I groaned, knowing, what he was up to.
But Josuke went on undeterred and left countless little hickeys and bites on my sensitive skin.
"Now everyone can see that you belong to me and only to me", he said as he looked at his workwith satisfaction.

Don't know what I should think about it, but somehow Josuke is one of my favourite Charakters

~Zoey 🦋

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