Abbacchio x reader

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"Vincent Van Gogh painted his last painting "Cornfield with crows" and shot himself at the age of 37 on 27th July 1890 a bullet in the chest.
He died two days later", Fugo explained and looked at me expectantly.
He probably wanted me to say something about it.

The only problem was that I hadn't listened to his talk about art history for the last half hour and therefore didn't know what to say. Narancia was already lying with his head on the table and sleeping.
"That's nice, I guess?", I replied. questioningly.

"You didn't listen to me again!", threw Fugo at me and hit the table with his fist, which made the sleeping Narancia startle.
"Tutoring you two took my last nerve", he moaned and buried his face in his hands.

"Hey, after all, I didn't sleep!", I tried to defend myself.
As a reparation, you also get some of my cake, I smiled at him and spit a piece of strawberry cake with my fork and held it in front of his face.
His expression suddenly changed from angry to ashamed, but he let me feed him.
His cheeks took on a dark shade of red.

Suddenly I heard a clearing behind us and turned around.
In front of us stood Abbacchio with an expressionless face, but I thought for a moment I could see something like anger in his beautiful purple eyes.
I blinked a few times and there was nothing to see.

I probably just imagined it.

"Are you done here?" he asked in a calm voice and looked at us emotionlessly.
If he was really angry, he was able to hide it pretty well anyway.

In response to Abbacchio's question, Fugo nodded and sighed theatrically. "With those two, my time would just be wasted. If you multiply zero by zero, the answer is still always zero", he said and looked at me accusingly.

"I don't know what you mean by that, but take that back", Narancia said pouting angrily.
Fugo rolled his eyes and I just stuck my tongue out at him.

"Enough of this kindergarten.
(Y/N), I need to talk to you, come with me", said Abbacchio in a slightly annoyed tone.
"Okay, then let's go", I smiled at him.
I waved briefly to Narancia and gave Fugo a mocking air kiss when I was already dragged out of the room by my wrist.

To my surprise, Abbacchio took me to his own room, which I had never entered before.
It was quite simply furnished.
A large bed with bedside table, a desk on which some documents were spread out and a high bulky looking wardrobe made of oak wood.
The only really personal thing was a photo of him and Bucciarati on his desk.

I let myself fall on his bed and looked at him expectantly, he was the one who wanted to talk to me.

He also sat on the bed and looked at me. "Do you like Fugo?", he asked straight out.
I looked at him a little confused, why did he ask me this question?
"Fugo? Yeah, I mean, he's a little bit know-it-all and annoying sometimes, but of course I like him", I said.
I looked at his eyes, tried to read the emotions in his face, but failed on his expressionless face.

"I want you to stop flirting with him all the time", he said in a serious voice.
"You want me to what?", I laughed for a moment.
"I'm not really flirting with him. Besides, that's none of your business", I said with my eyebrows raised.

"I'm serious (Y/N).
But did you really not notice it?".
"What not noticed?", I brought forth hesitantly.
There was a nasty smile on his lips. "Every time you talk to Fugo and other men and they touch you, I want to kill them", he growled.
"I want to be the one to touch you. What I'm trying to tell you is that I love you", he finally said.

I looked at him with big eyes.
He was really serious, Leone Abbacchio had just confessed his love to me and the fact that we were both sitting on his bed in his room didn't make it any better.

"Maybe I should go and think about it now", I hesitantly said still confused by his confession.
However, when I wanted to get up, Abbacchio decisively pushed me back onto the bed.

"I don't think you're leaving now", he said in a harsh tone.
His hand with which he just pressed me back onto the bed was still on my shoulder giving me goosebumps.
"What's your answer?"

I had to swallow and did not know what to say to him, technically he had not even asked me a question to which I could answer.

"I don't know?", I said with a questioning undertone and looked at him indecisively.
Once again he looked at me annoyed and sighed.

Then all of a sudden, he grabbed my wrists and put me in a position where I was lying on the bed with my back and he was bent over me.
His face was now directly above my and behind his ear some strands of hair had loosened, which now tickled me gently in the face.
I could practically feel his hot breath on my face.

He leaned very slowly down to me until our lips were only one centimetre apart.
He looked at me briefly and I realized how lust and desire were reflected in his purple eyes.
Then he put his lips on mine.
At first he kissed me very gentle, as if I could break, but I noticed how he was overwhelmed by his own lust and the kiss became more and more stormy and intense.

When he separated from me, I noticed the slight reddish glow on his cheeks.
I could see he wanted more.
He bent down to me again, only this time to cover my neck and collarbone with kisses.
I had to admit Abbacchio knew what he was doing and it felt really good.
As a slight moan escaped my lips I could feel him smiling into the crook of my neck.

Gently he began to kiss his way up from my neck to my ear, on which he gently nibbled.
"You belong to me now, do you understand that?", he growled softly in my ear.
I nodded slightly, still a little dazed by his kissing and he smiled at me with satisfaction.
"Well, I won't let you go anymore", he said and kissed me again.


A new oneshot about Abbacchio, I hope you like it. Btw, the chapter has exactly 1100 words, which makes my autistic self absolutely happy 😂

~Zoey 🦋

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