Part 2

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Well I hope you guys like this part! It is considerably better than the last part, I was none too happy with it. This is starting to introduce some more of the the main characters. Enjoy(:


When Angel and I had reached the school we both went up to the front desk to find out what homeroom we had. Mine was Ms. Nick and her's was Mrs. Stalnaker. "Ugh! I was really hopping we were going to be in the same homeroom!" I complained. Angel sighed a nodded in agreement. We checked the room numbers and mine was upstairs, while her's was down stairs. We hugged and set off our different ways.

Once I was at Mr. Nick's room, I checked off my name on the sign in sheet and sat down at a random desk. I staring at the wall, bored out of my mind. The teacher was no where to be found and the students were slowly trickling in.

I saw people I reconized by mutral friends. I was deep in a conversation with one of the girls when something crashed my train of thought, wait no, wrong word, nuclear bombed my train of thought. There standing in the door way way the 'it' boy of my grade talk, Skylar, talking to one of his friends. All the girls mouths in the room dropped to the floor. Everyone liked him, I mean how could they not? He stood at 5'7 with really dark brown hair, almost black. He had a 'Justin Bieber Hair' style, which was perfect for him. He was muskular, but not enough to be intimidating. He had light brown eyes with specks of gold in them. Thick black eyelashes that gave the illusion he was wearing eyeliner, which he wasn't. Freckles covered his nose and cheeks. He was the school's best soccer player and he was super sweet. He was perfect. There was not another word for it.

After what seemed forever, Skylar said bye to his friend and walked into the room to sign in. He found a couple more friends and started chatting it up, not realising every girl in the room was starring at him. Suddenly a tall, black lady walked into the room. She introduced her self as Ms. Nick and told us about about her self. To summarize it up, she said she will not be taking any crap from us this year. She seemed strong and confinident, I liked her already.

Once 'The Talk' as she called it, was over Ms. Nick handed out our locker numbers and skeduals and dissmissed us. I walked over to my locker and spun the dial to open it. Once open I crammed my books in, I looked over my skedual. It went like this:

1st: English- Mr. Upchurch

2nd: French- Mrs. Petit

3rd: History- Mr. Order

4th: Gym


5th: Chior- Mrs. Bird

6th: Math- Ms. Nick

7th: Band- Mr. Richard

8th: Science- Ms. Chance

'It isn't too bad' I thought to myself with a smile. Suddenly, I heard someone clear their throat. I looked up to find none other than Skylar standing there. "Y-y-yes" I managed to squeak out. " I was wondering if you would help me put my books in my locker. I am not very organized. It is just right here." He said back. Oh. My. God. That's more than I have ever heard him talk before. I smiled and grabbed his book bag so he could open his locker. Once it was open I put all his books in neatly and shut it. I turned to walk to my first class, but Skylar grabbed arm stopping me. Turned to face him and he flashed me his 100 watt smile and said,"Thanks!" I blushed and mumbled "no problem." Then turn to head off to English.


So?! Like?! And what do you think of Skylar? ;) Oh and this isn't going to be one of those stories that the most popular guy falls for the outcast......well maybe, Im not quite sure :3 And I my story plot is not going to stay on the subject of a normal high school experince. It's going to have a lat of drama and subjects that go on everywhere, but no one ever really pay attention to. Any guesses on whats going to happen? Suggestions?

~Spaztasticly Mags

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